thomazmoura / dev-environment

Dev Environment for developing with NeoVim
MIT License
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Dev Environment for developing with NeoVim. From inside the container itself.


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This is a personal project to keep my main driver tools for development both for professional use and development-oriented fun projects (usually on a different container).

I do intend to reduce the size of both containers eventually, but for the time being, keep in mind they're considerably huge (specially the QMK one).


Project switching with tmux + fzf and fuzzy finding files inside the container:

alt text


My main intentions with this repo are:

Current Stack and Tools

Main Container

The container I use for most professional work.

Secondary Container (QMK)

I've decided to create this sub-container (which uses the Main Container as base) to be able to add the requirements for building QMK (which is a mechanical keyboard open source firmware) and Rust without having to increase too much the Main Container size (QMK has a lot of dependencies).

Windows and Linux Scripts

I mostly do my development inside the container, but there are situations on which it's more productive to resort to less "isolated solutions", like VS Code running on Windows or WSL2 (ideally, both). So I've added some scripts so I can more easily setup a new machine to use some of the same configuration I use on the docker containers on Windows Tools (like setting up NeoVim on Windows so I can use it with the VSCode-Neovim).