thoricelli / OculusXRPicoLayer

An attempt to allow Quest games to be playable on PICO.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link


An attempt to port Quest games over to PICO.

This replaces the following libs:

And replaces them with a proxy, that relays functions/information over to the PICO libs.

Only a limited amount of Unity games are supported.
Unreal games are not supported.


Patching games

You will need the following

You'll need the following files (both from my repo):



Make sure you take the ones I committed to the repo, they have some patched strings/instructions to make them work.

  1. Build or download the required libs.
  2. Decompress the APK file with apktools.
  3. Replace/add the library files into /lib/arm64-v8a
  4. In AndroidManifest.xml, inside of <application>...</application> add:
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="vr"/>
  1. Then open /assets/bin/Data/UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json
  2. Set the name to "name": "PxrPlatform",

List of working games

Game Works Doesn't work
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes Fully functional /
Waltz of the Wizard Sound No video
Job Simulator Video
Audio glitches
Physics glitches
I Expect You To Die / Won't work without custom implementation


Currently only a limited amount of Unity games actually functionally work.
Unreal games will not work without further reverse engineering efforts.

Figuring out why certain games don't work is going to require A LOT of reverse engineering.
(Mostly just incompatible API calls with Oculus & PICO, different GUID's, etc, that can not simply just be solved by using a proxy)

Why certain games don't work: