thorstenb / odpdown

Generate OpenDocument Presentation (odp) files from markdown
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Image is placed out of bounds, possibly due to custom slide size #30

Open rombert opened 8 years ago

rombert commented 8 years ago

As I can't attach zip files, I will paste in the minimal project I've used


Image is out of bounds ...

The template is a basic one with two master entries: Break and Content. The only customisation is the page size: Format -> Page and set Width to 10.00 " and Height to 5.63 " .

The image I've used is .

Hopefully that is enough to reproduce the issue

rombert commented 8 years ago

(Not sure if this is related, let me know and I'll file a bug ). In the same presentation with the custom dimensions I'm placing image files with a strictly controlled size ( 10 x 4.31 inches ). These end up being 8.66 x 3.54 inches. Not only is the size wrong, but also the proportions!

3.54 / 8.66 =~ 0.409, which is different from 4.31 / 10 . This makes it quite hard to properly size the pictures in the presentation.