thorstenb / odpdown

Generate OpenDocument Presentation (odp) files from markdown
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Generate ODP files from markdown

PyPI version Build Status


Original Markdown Copyright (c) 2004-2005 John Gruber

Myself got kicked into action by seeing and getting terribly envious by realizing how much of a productivity gain that would be.


Have a tool like pandoc, latex beamer etc, that you can write (or auto-generate) input for within your favourite hacker's editor, and generate nice-looking slides from. Using your corporation's mandatory, CI-compliant and lovely-artsy Impress template. Including syntax-highlighted code snippets of your latest hack, auto-fitted into the slides.


Getting ready should be a simple matter of running

python install

from a terminal.

On Windows, run it via the command prompt (Start ‣ Accessories): install

Alternatively, running odpdown directly from the git checkout is also possible, provided you've installed the prerequisites (most significantly mistune, lpod, pygments, lxml and pillow) manually.


Run tox to run the test suite.

pip install tox
tox -v


   usage: odpdown [-h] [--version] [-p PAGE] [-n] [-s HIGHLIGHT_STYLE]
                  [-c CODE_FONT_NAME] [--break-master [BREAK_MASTER]]
                  [--content-master [CONTENT_MASTER]]
                  input_md template_odp output_odp

   Convert markdown text into OpenDocument presentations

   positional arguments:
     input_md              Input markdown file
     template_odp          Input ODP template file
     output_odp            Output ODP file

   optional arguments:
     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     --version             show program's version number and exit
     -p PAGE, --page PAGE  Append markdown after given page. Negative numbers
                           count from the end of the slide stack. [Defaults to
     -n, --no-autofit      Use to disable auto-shrinking font in text boxes, to
                           fit available space.
     -s HIGHLIGHT_STYLE, --highlight-style HIGHLIGHT_STYLE
                           Set pygments color style for syntax-highlighting of
                           code snippets. Available styles in stock pygments are:
                           "default", "emacs", "friendly", and "colorful".
                           [Defaults to colorful]
     -c CODE_FONT_NAME, --code-font-name CODE_FONT_NAME
                           Set font name used for code fragments. [Defaults to
                           "Nimbus Mono L"]
     --break-master [BREAK_MASTER]
                           Use this master page for the 1st level headlines. List
                           available ones if called with empty or unknown name
     --content-master [CONTENT_MASTER]
                           Use this master page for the 2nd level headlines and
                           content. List available ones if called with empty or
                           unknown name


Have a lot of fun,

-- Thorsten