thorstenb / odpdown

Generate OpenDocument Presentation (odp) files from markdown
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Allow simple formatting inside code blocks #33

Closed rombert closed 8 years ago

rombert commented 8 years ago

When presenting code blocks it is sometimes useful to point out a single word or line of that code block. I usually bold out the respective word/line for empahsis.

It would be useful to be able to do the same with odpdown

thorstenb commented 8 years ago

Any suggestion for how to do the markup there?

rombert commented 8 years ago

I think this should only apply to 'regular' code blocks, indented by 4 spaces, as for the pygments-managed ones it makes little sense. For my uses it is enough to allow bold, using something like

 public static final String *BOLD* = "bold";

would make the string 'BOLD' appear in bold face.

thorstenb commented 8 years ago

that's not trivial to specify / implement robustly - imagine code containing something like x = 2 * alpha * beta * gamma; the point of code blocks is precisely that its formatting is taken as-is.

I'll give this some more thoughts (and you might, too), but at it's current state, this is a wontfix for me.

rombert commented 8 years ago

I see the problem here . What about the possibility of adding highlighting instructions outside the text? Something like: highlight: /public/ which would bold all occurrences of the work 'public' in the code block.

This might work from a syntax POV with the pygment-based instructions, but I don't think we should touch those, but the default code blocks ( 4 space indent ). But I'm not sure where to attach that instruction...

thorstenb commented 8 years ago

Hmm, tough. And I wonder how specific to your taste this visual highlighting is. For a presentation, conceivably also having an animation effect on that particular keyword could be nice. But then the needed markup gets even more into horror-land...

Adam had another idea for having high-level meta info somehow inline in issue #4 so perhaps I would reconsider the idea within a more general context of adding highlighting/effects/visual clues to individual slides.

XQuery (although flat-out inside horror-land) could be a way to address those to-be-highlighted elements...