thoth-station / document-sync-job

Sync Thoth documents to an S3 API compatible remote
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Thoth's document-sync-job

.. image:: :target: :alt: GitHub tag (latest by date)

.. image:: :target: :alt: Quay - Build

Sync Thoth documents to an S3 API compatible remote.

This job makes sure Thoth documents required in deployments are properly copied from one deployment to another. The job is designed for cases when one deployment performs data calculation with ingestion and another is used to serve the computed data.

The job accepts Thoth parameters required to use Thoth's adapters <> (via environment variables) to obtain data from the first deployment and uses AWS CLI to copy data to the deployment which serves data. Thus the later deployment is configured via the standard AWS CLI configuration file <> that should be present in ~/.aws/config.

Development and Testing

The .env.template has environment variables that are required for document-sync-job execution. |br| Create .env file out of the .env.template with adjusted environment variable values.

.. code-block:: console

cp .env.template .env vim .env

As stated above the job accepts source s3 details as env vars and destination s3 details as aws cli conf or env vars.

The s3 credentials can be accessed via cluster. |br| Check the additional documentation on thoth-application <>_. |br| Assign the credentials value to the env variable in the .env file.

If using s3 cluster different than |br| set the --endpoint https://<s3-url> in the list, at this line <>_.

For testing purpose, Developers can use PSI test instance as source and Operate-first smaug instance as destination. |br| There is old data available on prefix: ocp-test.

.. |br| raw:: html
