thoth-station / micropipenv

A lightweight wrapper for pip to support requirements.txt, Pipenv and Poetry lock files or converting them to pip-tools compatible output. Designed for containerized Python applications but not limited to them.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
231 stars 25 forks source link
dependency-management hacktoberfest pip pip-tools pip3 pipenv poetry python python3 thoth


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A lightweight wrapper for pip to support requirements.txt, Pipenv and Poetry lock files or converting them to pip-tools <>_ compatible output. Designed for containerized Python applications but not limited to them.

For a brief video preview, check this demo <>_ (the micropipenv part starts at 9:00).

See also micropipenv: Installing Python dependencies in containerized applications <> for more info about this tool and a blog post published about it <>.

What's the difference in comparision to pip when using requirements.txt?

What's the difference in comparision to Poetry?

What's the difference in comparision to Pipenv?

micropipenv use cases

Why should I use micropipenv instead of Pipenv <> or Poetry <>?

micropipenv install

The tool supports installing dependencies of the following formats:

In case of Pipenv, Poetry and pip-tools style format, the tool performs automatic recovery if the installation order of dependencies is relevant (one dependency fails to install as it depends on an another one).

To enforce the installation method used, specify --method option to the install subcommand. By default, micropipenv traverses the filesystem up from the current working directory and looks for the relevant files in the following order:

  1. Pipfile.lock and optionally Pipfile (if --deploy set)
  2. poetry.lock and pyproject.toml
  3. requirements.txt for pip-tools and raw pip requirements

To install dependencies issue the following command:

.. code-block:: console

micropipenv install --dev # --dev is optional

You can supply additional positional arguments that will be passed to pip. Use double dashes to distinguish pip options from micropipenv options.

.. code-block::

issue `pip install --user'

micropipenv install -- --user

Virtual environment management

micropipenv does not create any virtual environment as in the case of Pipenv/Poetry. It simply executes pip, and constructs arguments out of the lock file used. pip's default behaviour is to install its arguments into the same Python environment where pip is installed (i.e., the system Python environment).

To rather install its arguments into a virtual environment, run micropipenv from a shell where that virtual environment has been activated. This causes micropipenv to run the pip command already installed in the virtual environment:

.. code-block:: console

python3 -m venv venv/ && (. venv/bin/activate && micropipenv install)

Alternatively, micropipenv can run the pip command from the system Python environment, which can in turn be told to install its arguments into an explicitly specified virtual environment by using the PIP_PYTHON environment variable.

This allows for the installation of dependencies into a minimal virtual environment that does not itself have pip and its dependencies installed into it:

.. code-block:: console

python3 -m venv venv/ --without-pip && PIP_PYTHON=venv/bin/python micropipenv install

Using another package index

To set the default Python Package Index to something other than, set the MICROPIPENV_DEFAULT_INDEX_URLS to one or more comma-separated URLs.

Note: if the package manager file contains a package index URL, it will be used over this value.

.. code-block:: console

export MICROPIPENV_DEFAULT_INDEX_URLS=, micropipenv install

micropipenv install --deploy

If you wish to mimic pipenv --deploy functionality, you can do so:

.. code-block:: console

micropipenv install --deploy

Note however, there is a need to parse Pipfile and verify its content corresponds to Pipefile.lock used (digest computed on Pipfile content). micropipenv requires toml extras for this functionality, so you will need to install micropipenv[toml] (see installation instructions bellow).

The --deploy option takes no effect for Poetry and requirements installation methods.

micropipenv install --dev

Installation of "development" dependencies can be acomplished using the --dev flag. This flag has no effect when requirements.txt file is used.

micropipenv requirements / micropipenv req

To generate output compatible with pip-tools <>_, you can issue the following command:

.. code-block:: console

micropipenv requirements

This applies to conversion from Poetry and Pipenv specific lock files.

Additional configuration options can limit what is present in the output (e.g. --no-dev to remove development dependencies).

A special option --only-direct makes micropipenv work on Pipfile instead of Pipfile.lock. This requires toml extras, so install micropipenv[toml] for this functionality (see installation instructions bellow). To get direct dependencies of an application and store them in requirements.txt file:

.. code-block:: console

micropipenv requirements --only-direct > requirements.txt

For a setup that follows pip-tools convention with and requirements.txt

.. code-block:: console

micropipenv requirements --no-dev > requirements.txt micropipenv requirements --no-dev --only-direct > micropipenv requirements --no-default > dev-requirements.txt micropipenv requirements --no-default --only-direct >

See micropipenv requirements --help for more info.

micropipenv as a library

micropipenv exposes some core functionality on top of Pipfile/Pipfile.lock. You can import its functions and use micropipenv as a lightweight library for Pipfile/Pipfile.lock and pyproject.toml/poetry.lock manipulation.

Adjusting options using environment variables

All options can be triggered using environment variables - the name of an environment variable is always prefixed with MICROPIPENV_ and consists of the name of the option converted to uppercase, dashes are replaced with underscores (example --no-dev is mapped to MICROPIPENV_NO_DEV). All environment variables corresponding to flags are parsed as integers and subsequently casted to a boolean. For example, to turn --no-dev flag on, set MICROPIPENV_NO_DEV=1 (0 disables the flag). Parameters supplied to CLI take precedence over environment variables.

A special environment variable MICROPIPENV_PIP_BIN can point to an alternate pip binary.

To run this tool in a verbose mode, you can set the MICROPIPENV_DEBUG=1 (the same behavior can be achieved with multiple --verbose supplied).

The tool prints software stack information to the standard error output. This was designed for Thoth to capture information about installed dependencies as a useful source of information for Thoth's build analyzers. This behaviour can be suppressed by setting MICROPIPENV_NO_LOCKFILE_PRINT=1 environment variable.

Besides printing, the tool also writes the content of Pipfile.lock (if a locked software stack is used) to the directory where lock files are present (for Pipenv files, the Pipfile.lock is kept untouched). This behaviour can be suppressed by providing MICROPIPENV_NO_LOCKFILE_WRITE=1 environment variable.

Example usage

Install dependencies managed by Poetry as pip install --user would do (option --method is optional, auto-discovery is performed if omitted):

.. code-block:: console

$ ls poetry.lock pyproject.toml $ micropipenv install --method poetry -- --user

Install dependencies (both main and develop) managed by Poetry into a virtual environment:

.. code-block:: console

$ ls poetry.lock pyproject.toml $ python3 -m venv venv/ $ . venv/bin/activate (venv) $ micropipenv install --dev

Install dependencies managed by Pipenv (both main and develop) into a virtual environment (option --method is optional, auto-discovery is performed if omitted):

.. code-block:: console

$ ls Pipfile Pipfile.lock src/ $ python3 -m venv venv/ $ . venv/bin/activate (venv) $ micropipenv install --dev

Perform deployment of an application as Pipenv would do with Python interpreter version check and Pipfile file hash check (you can create virtual environment only if necessary):

.. code-block:: console

$ ls Pipfile Pipfile.lock src/ $ python3 -m venv venv/ $ . venv/bin/activate (venv) $ micropipenv install --deploy

Generate pip-tools <>_ compliant,, requirements.txt and dev-requirements.txt out of Pipfile and Pipfile.lock - project dependencies managed by Pipenv:

.. code-block:: console

$ ls Pipfile Pipfile.lock src/ $ micropipenv requirements --no-dev > requirements.txt $ micropipenv requirements --no-dev --only-direct > $ micropipenv requirements --no-default > dev-requirements.txt $ micropipenv requirements --no-default --only-direct >

Generate pip-tools <>_ complaint,, requirements.txt and dev-requirements.txt out of pyproject.toml and poetry.lock - project dependencies managed by Poetry:

.. code-block:: console

$ ls poetry.lock pyproject.toml src/ $ micropipenv requirements --no-dev > requirements.txt $ micropipenv requirements --no-dev --only-direct > $ micropipenv requirements --no-default > dev-requirements.txt $ micropipenv requirements --no-default --only-direct >

For OpenShift's s2i integration, check this repo with a demo <>_.


The project is hosted on PyPI <>_ so installing it using pip works as expected:

.. code-block:: console

pip install micropipenv

The default installation does not bring any dependencies so its just micropipenv that gets installed. However, the default installation supports only Pipfile.lock management. If you would like to manipulate also with Pipfile or Poetry specific lock files, you will need to install micropipenv with TOML support (TOML is not in the standard Python library):

.. code-block:: console

pip install micropipenv[toml]

Once the project gets installed, you can browse the help message by invoking the micropipenv CLI:

.. code-block:: console

micropipenv --help

If you wish to install micropipenv on your Fedora system:

.. code-block:: console

dnf install -y micropipenv

See available RPM packages <>_.

No installation

You can run micropipenv without actually installing it - simply download the file and execute it. If you do not wish to save file to disk, you can issue:

.. code-block:: console

curl | python3 - --help

Anything after python3 - will be passed as an argument to so installing packages can be simply performed using:

.. code-block:: console

curl | python3 - install -- --user

All arguments after -- will be passed to pip as options.

OpenShift s2i (Source-To-Image)

micropipenv is available in UBI, Fedora and RHEL based container images. To enable micropipenv and benefit from its features, you need to export ENABLE_MICROPIPENV=1 environment variable in more recent Python 3 container images. See sclorg/s2i-python-container <>__ repo for more information.

License and copying

This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later. See LICENSE-LGPL and LICENSE-GPL files for the license terms.

Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Project Thoth <>__; Red Hat Inc.

Original author:
