.. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/v/tag/thoth-station/user-api?style=plastic :target: https://github.com/thoth-station/user-api/releases :alt: GitHub tag (latest by date)
.. image:: https://quay.io/repository/thoth-station/user-api/status :target: https://quay.io/repository/thoth-station/user-api?tab=tags :alt: Quay - Build
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You can find Thoth's deployment at khemenu.thoth-station.ninja <https://khemenu.thoth-station.ninja/>
User API is the main interaction point for a user or bot with Thoth. The API
itself exposes endpoints that are well documented using OpenAPI (see
directory present in the repo). There are exposed only endpoints
that can be useful for a user in some way.
If you would like to programmatically access this API service, the preferred
way for interaction is the autogenerated swagger-client available in the
Thamos repository <https://github.com/thoth-station/thamos>
__ (see
autogenerated documentation for more info). You can be also ensured that this
client is kept up2date respecting the current API state.
Installation and deployment ###########################
The service is built using OpenShift Source-to-Image and deployed automatically
with Thoth's deployment available in the thoth-station/thoth-application repository <https://github.com/thoth-station/thoth-application>
Running User API locally ########################
User API can be run locally in a mode when it still talks to the cluster.
To run User API locally, create .env
file out out .env.template
and adjust environment variable values as desired (see thoth-station/storages <https://github.com/thoth-station/storages/>
__ for more info):
.. code-block:: console
cp .env.template .env vim .env
Once the environment is properly setup, you can run User API locally:
.. code-block:: console
pipenv install pipenv run gunicorn thoth.user_api.openapi_server:app --config gunicorn.conf.py