thoughtstem / Summer2019

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Work on Meme Katas #283

Open kristynamason opened 5 years ago

kristynamason commented 5 years ago

Please remember to pull from master for the latest version!

Look at the Katas examples currently for web. This can be found in

We want about 21 complete katas with relating progression of easy, medium, hard, therefore 7 each. The difficulty can be determined by number of parenthesis. An "easy kata" will be 1 kata, a "medium kata" will be another kata, and so on. Keep them organised by putting it in this format and make sure to add comments

This is an example of a Data-Sci Kata, however, you can use the same convention for each collection.

In order to add katas, please format them this way.

(define-example-code Summer2019/Languages/my-data-sci-lang/main identifier
        [YOUR CODE]) 

;===Discrete Histogram Katas===

;Easy: Plot a discrete histogram with 3 horizontal bars.

(define-example-code Summer2019/Languages/my-data-sci-lang/main discrete-histogram-001
  (plot (discrete-histogram (list #(A 1) #(B 2) #(C 3)))))

;Medium: Plot two discrete histograms with 4 horizontal bars with varying amounts for each histogram.

(define-example-code Summer2019/Languages/my-data-sci-lang/main discrete-histogram-002
  (plot (list (discrete-histogram (list #(A 3) #(B 1.5) #(C 2) #(D 2)))
              (discrete-histogram (list #(E 4) #(F 1) #(G 2))
                                  #:x-min 8
                                  #:color 2 #:line-color 2))))

;Hard: Plot two discrete histograms with 4 horizontal bars with varying amounts and labels for each histogram.

(define-example-code Summer2019/Languages/my-data-sci-lang/main discrete-histogram-003
  (plot (list (discrete-histogram (list #(A 3) #(B 1.5) #(C 2) #(D 2))
                                  #:label "Numbers per letter")
              (discrete-histogram (list #(E 4) #(F 1) #(G 2))
                                  #:x-min 8
                                  #:label "Numbers per letter"
                                  #:color 2 #:line-color 2))))

The above example shows a total of 3 example katas, but all pertaining to 1 main idea kata.

You may need to either add, remove, modify current example katas to make them complete.

Additionally, many katas will need stimuli (this is the prompt on the kata cards we see at camp) e.g. Create a histogram with three horizontal bars.

Should you need help please refer to the examples that are already given in the documentation and be sure to check the README. Otherwise, feel free to talk to me.

Good luck!

kate-bartlett commented 5 years ago

We currently have 7 easy and 7 medium katas that correspond. We still need 4 more hard katas to have 7 of each.