thoughtstem / Summer2019

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Repository Overview

Interns are currently working on six different kata collection projects. Each project has a folder in Languages (where you will be adding the actual kata code) and a corresponding folder in Kata-Collections (where you will build/format the kata on a site).

Below are the current goals of the six kata collections:

Installation and Git Directions

LOADS of more git help in Summer2019/Git-Workflow-Help!!!

Installation for Summer2019 and the library it depends on ts-tactics:

git clone
git clone

cd TS-Kata-Collections/ts-tactics
raco pkg install

cd ../../Summer2019
raco pkg install

Run raco build-summer-2019 to build the docs and open the master docs file in your browser.

Directions to Add a New Kata:

1) Open Languages/[LANGUAGE]/examples.rkt. 2) Define a code example inside of examples.rkt. "id" will be what you refer to your kata with in Step 4.

(define-code-example some-path id
                [CODE] )

3) Open Kata-Collections/[MY-KATAS]/katas.rkt. 4) Add stimuli under a kata definition in katas.rkt

(read "Create a red circle that...")

5) Stay in the the katas folder (like my-fundamentals-katas) and run ./scripts/build-katas in your terminal.