threefoldtecharchive / threefold_hub

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Threefold hub

threefoldhub is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with Starport.


  1. Go toolchain
  2. gcc and build-essential ( on apt based systems like Ubuntu: apt install gcc build-essential)
  3. ignite binary v0.20.0
  4. Cosmovisor v1.0.0 (go install
  5. BSC geth v1.1.9
  6. gbt 1.5.0


The threefold chain contains a bridge module to move TFT from/to Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It contains the following components:

Components setup

In this setup we start a new Threefold hub chain with a bridge to BSC and 1 validator (with the account named alice).

First create a BSC account for the validator, in this example we will use 0xD6DBC796aC81DC34bDe3864f1F2c8f40742D85Dc

Gravity Smart Contract on BSC

The gravity contracts are available here.

Deploy the Gravity.sol contract with the following parameters:

Let's take my-threefoldhub as the gravityId. It can be converted to the required value for the contract using Python for example:


Using remix to deploy the contract

You can use remix to deploy the contract.

The Gravity.sol contract and the imported CosmosToken.sol dependency must be copied into the remix contracts directory. The Gravity.sol contract is then compiled (with optimization enabled or you get a stack too deep error) and deployed on the Binance Smart Chain. The Binance Smart Chain must be added first to metamask and it must be selected with an account that contains BNBs. If deploying on BSC testnet, there is a faucet available for testnet BNB's. The Environment in the deployment tab in remix should be set to "Injected Web3".

The threefold hub chain

The command ignite chain build installs the threefold_hubd binary.

Generating the genesis can be done manually or automated (along other things) using the docker automated script. The manual flow and parameters descriptions are outlined here.

The default keyring-backend is os not test even though it's printed test so keep that in mind while executing the rest of the commands.

To configure the chain:

threefold_hubd keys add dummy --keyring-backend test # because keplr doesn't work with account id 0
threefold_hubd keys add alice --keyring-backend test # add --recover if a known mnemonics is to be used
threefold_hubd keys show alice --keyring-backend test # to view the address from alice
threefold_hubd init test-node --chain-id threefold-hub
threefold_hubd add-genesis-account dummy 0TFT --keyring-backend=test
threefold_hubd add-genesis-account alice 2000000000TFT --keyring-backend=test
threefold_hubd gentx --moniker test-node alice 1000000000TFT <validator-BSC-address> <alice-cosmos-address> --chain-id=threefold-hub --keyring-backend=test
threefold_hubd collect-gentxs

The genesis file contains the following default parameters:

The ignite's serve subcommand doesn't work as the gentx format is changed. The above snippet creates a new user in the local test keyring, Initializes the genesis file with this account as a validator. The validator delegates its signing power to the Binance account with address <validator-BSC-address. This address will be used later in the gravity contract and the orchestrator setup.

An example of the addresses are:

The gravity params in the genesis file should be modified:

       "eth_erc20_to_denoms": [
            "erc20": "<TFT-BSC-contract-address>",
            "denom": "TFT"

The chain is started then by executing threefold_hubd start. Or using cosmosvisor by running DAEMON_HOME=/root/.threefold_hub DAEMON_NAME=threefold_hubd DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES=true cosmovisor start. After storing the binary in ~/.threefold_hub/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/threefold_hubd.

Orchestrator setup

Similarly, the gbt config file in ~/.gbt/config.toml and the command to run it can be auto-generated using the same docker script in the above step. The manual configuration is described here.

Download the gbt binary. Then execute gbt init to initalize the gbt config. Modify the config to contain the following:

relayer_enabled = true 

batch_request_mode = "EveryBatch"
relayer_loop_speed = 20

mode = "Altruistic"

mode = "ProfitableWithWhitelist"
margin = 1.1
token = "<TFT-BSC-contract-address>"
amount = "30000000" # min fee amount for a batch to be relayed

To start the orchestrator:

gbt -a tf orchestrator --cosmos-phrase "<cosmos-phrase-of-validator-alice-in-our-example>" -e "<ethereum-private-key-of-the-validator-delegate>" --gravity-contract-address "<get-after-deploying-Gravity.sol>" -f 0TFT --ethereum-rpc "<endpoint-of-the-node>"

The fee (here 0TFT) should generally be 250000 x min-gas-price. The min-gas-price can be specified in ~/.threefold_hub/config/app.toml, it's 0 by default.

BSC node setup

See here. Takes about ~3 hours to complete on testnet. The docs says that the node must be a Full Ethereum Node, but a light node works fine. Light clients peer with a full node that's configured to serve them. Serving light clients is disabled by default in full nodes, so this may be a problem in the mainnet setup. More info from the gravity doc repo. What's recommended is to create a full node and then start another light client that peers with it. This should be researched along with the slashing specs to check if light clients being unreliable can cause slashing.

As suggested here, we'll be running a light node until indicated otherwise.

Web Frontend

The frontend development and production setup is described here. The frontend must be configured to match the proper threefold hub chain endpoints, and BSC configs as described in its README.

Threefold hub usage

After the threefold hub chain is up and running, money can be transfered both ways using it. From binance to threefold_hub chain:

./gbt -a tf client eth-to-cosmos --ethereum-key '<private-key-of-the-sender>' --gravity-contract-address '<gravity-contract-address>' --token-contract-address '<TFT-BSC-contract-address>' --amount 5 --destination '<cosmos-destination-address>' --ethereum-rpc '<binance-node-endpoint>'

To transfer the money back to binance:

./gbt -a tf client cosmos-to-eth --amount '<amount-to-transfer>' -b 30000000TFT -c '<cosmos-words-of-the-sender>' -e '<binance-address-of-the-receiver>' -f 0TFT

Common flows

Developer (chain from scratch)

  1. Create a gravity contract.
  2. Generate the genesis file.
  3. Start a BSC light node (or use something like for bsc testnet for a quick setup)
  4. Run the chain and the orchestor.

Developer (multivalidator chain from scratch)

  1. Setup the initial node as described above.
  2. Create two keys and fund them (by sending tokens from the initial account, or sending tokens from bsc).
  3. Use these two accounts to spawn two docker containers to run as validators as described here. The node endpoint can be or whatever ip the host has on the docker interface.
  4. Revise the notes about valset creation, and note that valset on the gravity contract doesn't have to be in sync all the time with the active valset on the hub depending on the relayer config.

Developer (modifying an already deployed chain)

Needs to be researched. The running chain can be hardforked by exporting the genesis threefold_hubd export. But how to fork (create another one?) the gravity contract is still not researched.

Devops (deploying the first node to start a new chain)

  1. Create a gravity contract.
  2. Generate the genesis file.
  3. Start a BSC light node (or use something like for bsc testnet for a quick setup)
  4. Run the chain and the orchestor.

The genesis file must be shared to be used by other validator joining the chain.

Devops (adding a new validator)

The validator is dockerized here and descibed manually here.

Devops (running the frontend)

The config must be updated and then run as described here.

Running chains


The process of how it's deployed and how to access it is documented here.


After deploying, its related config and set parameter should be documented here.


Smart Contract: A transaction protocol which is intended to automatically execute events and actions according to the terms of a contract. Here, the smart contracts are deployed on BSC.

Token contract address; Token contracts are a sepcial type of smart contracts. Every token has a smart contract which has an addres. For example, TFT on testnet are deployed as a smart contract with address 0xDC5a9199e2604A6BF4A99A583034506AE53F4B34.

Gravity contract address: As described above on how to deploy a gravity contract. Its address are then used in many places including the genesis, the orchestrator, and the frontend config.

BSC delegator address: Each cosmos validator delegates its signing power to a BSC account. This account is named a degator. If created using metamask, its address can be copied from there.

BSC private key: The private key of the above account, can be retrieved using metamask.

Min Gas Price: Specified by each validator, but usually set to a value reached using a social consensus. The validator rejects transactions for which the price is less than the min gas price. Min gas price is used in the frontend configuration and genesis generation or app config.

Bridge fees: In the frontend and the orchestrator config, the bridge fees are (for threefold hub) a fixed amount for which the validator (orchestrator) agrees to process the Cosmos-to-BSC transaction.