threerings / clyde

A collection of Java packages for making networked 3D games
49 stars 18 forks source link

The Clyde library

The Clyde library provides various facilities for creating action-oriented networked 3D games. Its packages include:

Clyde depends on Narya for distributed object management and internationalization support; Nenya for resource management, image manipulation, and basic OpenAL functionality; Vilya for networked scene representation; and LWJGL for native bindings to OpenGL, OpenAL, and input devices.

Documentation is somewhat sparse at the moment, but inspection of the code in the tests/ directory shows examples of use of many features of the library.

Javadoc documentation is provided.


The library is built using Ant. Invoke Ant with any of the following targets:

all: builds the distribution files and javadoc documentation
compile: builds only the class files (dist/classes)
javadoc: builds only the javadoc documentation (dist/docs)
dist: builds the distribution jar files (dist/*.jar)


The Clyde library is released under the BSD license. The most recent version of the library is available here:

Contributions and Contact Information

Clyde is actively developed by the scurvy dogs at Three Rings Design, Inc. Contributions (in the form of bug reports, pull requests, etc.) are welcome.

Questions, comments, and other communications can be directed to the Google Group for Three Rings libraries: