threshold-network / merkle-distribution

Threshold Network rewards generation and distribution
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tBTC rewards miscalculation for stakes that starts a authorization decrease #108

Closed manumonti closed 7 months ago

manumonti commented 7 months ago

I have detected a bug when the tBTC rewards script is calculating the rewards for a specific period:


To get the authorization history of each stake, the script fetches the authorization-related events from the tokenStaking contract:

The type of events that the script fetches are: AuthorizationIncreased and AuthorizationDecreaseApproved.

Additionally, if a stake starts the deauthorization process, an event of type AuthorizationDecreaseRequested is emitted. But these kinds of events are not considered by the script because if I understood correctly, the stake is eligible for rewards until the deauthorization is finished with an AuthorizationDecreaseApproved event.

The problem

If a stake started the deauthorization process during or after the distribution period, only AuthorizationDecreaseRequested event is emitted. So, for the script, authorization has remained the same since the start of the rewards period until now: the authorization will be retrieved by calling to tokenStaking.eligibleStake() function:

The problem is that, apparently, during the deauthorization process (i.e. after AuthorizationDecreaseRequested and before AuthorizationDecreaseApproved events), this function returns the amount already.


For the period Nov 1st to Nov 22nd, the stake 0x17eDe21b60c44A0139968E0d1D9a001D2bdC8f85 returns an authorization of 0, so it isn't eligible for rewards.

But the authorization at the start of the period and at the end of the period is the same and greater than 0:

at start: at end:

These are the transactions in which an authorization decrease is requested, and executed after the rewards period:

So, the script should return some rewards for this stake.