threshold-network / merkle-distribution

Threshold Network rewards generation and distribution
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Threshold Network rewards Merkle distribution

Solidity contract and scripts for Threshold Network rewards distribution.

In the Cumulative Merkle Drop contract, each new token distribution replaces the previous one and contains the cumulative balances of all the participants. The cumulative claimed amount used in the contract will track the amount already claimed for each stake.

The distributions folder contains the reward distributions already released.

The src folder contains scripts to generate a new rewards distribution or to claim the rewards.


To run the scripts, it is needed to have installed node version > 18 and NPM.

npm install

NOTE: Scripts must be run from the repo root path, and not from the folder that contains them.

Claiming rewards script

We encourage you to use the Threshold Network dashboard to claim staking rewards.

Alternatively, you can use the HardHat task claim-rewards:

A .env file must be set with the following parameters:



To get help:

npx hardhat claim-rewards --help
npx hardhat [--network <network>] claim-rewards [--beneficiary <address>] [--staking-provider <address>]


npx hardhat --network mainnet claim-rewards \
  --staking-provider 0xc2d9433D3dC58881a6F8e0A0448Ce191B838f7DA
npx hardhat --network mainnet claim-rewards \
  --beneficiary 0xB63853FaD9533AB4518dD1a5FA21bE2988D66508
npx hardhat --network mainnet claim-rewards \
  --staking-provider 0xc2d9433D3dC58881a6F8e0A0448Ce191B838f7DA \
  --beneficiary 0xB63853FaD9533AB4518dD1a5FA21bE2988D66508
npx hardhat claim-rewards \
  --staking-provider 0xc2d9433D3dC58881a6F8e0A0448Ce191B838f7DA

Rewards distribution generation script

A .env file must be set with the following parameters:

ETHERSCAN_TOKEN=<your Etherscan API token>

This script calculates the Threshold Network rewards earned during a specific period, adds them to the previous distributions, and generates a new distribution that contains the cumulative rewards.

node src/scripts/gen_rewards_dist.js

Note that some script's parameters (rewards weights, start time, end time, last distribution path) must be replaced in the script before running it.

Valid versions

Additionally, the tBTC client valid versions must be specified. The tbtcValidVersions variable must be set for each distribution release. The versions must be specified following this schema:

<version1>|<version2>_<version2Deadline>|<version3>_<version3Dealine> ...



const tbtcValidVersions = "v2.1.0"
const tbtcValidVersions = "v2.1.0|v2.0.0_1718409600"
const tbtcValidVersions = "v2.2.0|v2.1.0_1718841600|v2.0.0_1717977600"


This script uses subgraphs for querying data about stakes and calculating the appropriate rewards. These subgraphs are queried using (graph-client)[] since this library supports auto-pagination, retry, fallback, etc.

Modification or addition of new subgraphs must be done in .graphclientrc.yml. Also, new queries must be added to this file in addition to src/script/graphql folder.

Every time the subgraph queries are modified, these must be recompiled:

yarn graphclient build --fileType json