threshold-network / staking-subgraphs

Threshold Network staking subgraphs
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graph subgraph

= Threshold Network staking subgraph

This repository contains Threshold Network staking subgraphs.

Subgraphs are open APIs to query data from networks like Ethereum and IPFS. The data is indexed by[*The Graph*] decentralized protocol.

By the moment, there two different subgraphs have been developed:

Development query URL for Ethereum mainnet subgraph:

Development query URL for Polygon subgraph:

Development query URL for Simple PRE Application:

== Install, build and deploy subgraph

=== Prerequisites

Please make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

=== Installation

The Graph CLI can be installed in your computer with npm or yarn:

$ yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli

Once graph-cli is installed in your system, install linting and formatting tools:

$ yarn install

Now, you can navigate to the subgraph of your interest and install this subgraph dependencies:

$ cd subgraphs/mainnet/
$ yarn install

=== Build the subgraph

$ graph codegen && graph build

=== Run unit tests

The recommended way to run tests is using a Docker container. It is required to have Docker installed.

To run the tests, just execute:

$ yarn test

Tests can also be run in the local environment, more info in Unit Testing Framework.

=== Deploy subgraph

Subgraphs can be deployed in Subgraph Studio. It is required to create a new subgraph in[*Subgraph Studio*] and get a deploy key.

Once the new subgraph is created in Subgraph Studio, you have to authenticate in graph-cli:

$ graph auth  --studio <DEPLOY KEY>

And then you can deploy the subgraph. Follow the CLI instructions:

$ graph deploy --studio

=== Contributing

==== Lint

We use[Prettier] and[ESLint] for linting code. The scripts are:

$ yarn format <file_path>           # Prettier
$ yarn format:fix <file_path>
$ yarn lint # eslint <file_path>    # ESLint
$ yarn lint:fix <file_path>
$ yarn format:lint:fix <file_path>  # fix files using Prettier and ESLint

== Test the subgraph locally

=== Run local chain eg. Ganache

Note that host set to is necessary for Ganache to be accessible from within Docker and from other machines. By default, Ganache only binds to, which can only be accessed from the host machine that Ganache runs on. If you use a ganache-cli run the node with ganache-cli -h If you use a Ganche in GUI version go to settings -> server and set HOSTNAME to - All Interfaces. Make sure the network ID is the same as chaind ID. By default, ganache sets the chaind ID to 1337. To change the network ID in Ganache GUI go to settings -> server and set NETWORK ID to 1337. If you use a ganache-cli run a node with flag -i 1337.

=== Deploy the Threshold Network contracts to local chain

Clone repo and make sure the development network config in[hardhat.config.ts] is correct for your local chain.

NOTE: The deployment scripts assume the keep-core contract are already deployed to your local chain.

==== Deploy the Keep Core contracts to local chain

Clone repo and make sure the local network config in[truffle-config.js] is correct for your local chain.

Go to root dir and run ./scripts/ --network local --contracts-only.

Go to ./solidity-v1 and run yarn link.

==== Deploy the Threshold Network contracts

Install dependencies yarn.

Link the local keep-core contracts by running yarn link @keep-network/keep-core.

Run ./scripts/

Run yarn deploy --network development --reset to deploy contracts to your local chain.

=== Update the subgraph manifest

Set the correct address and startBlock for contracts in subgraph.yaml file.

=== Run a local Graph Node

docker-compose up

=== Install dependencies


=== Deploy the subgraph to the local Graph Node

Run code generation: yarn codegen.

Allocate the subgraph name in the local Graph Node: yarn create-local.

Note: use it only if your subgraph is not created in the local Graph node.

Deploy the subgraph to your local Graph Node. yarn deploy-local.