thu-coai / cotk

Conversational Toolkit. An Open-Source Toolkit for Fast Development and Fair Evaluation of Text Generation
Apache License 2.0
128 stars 26 forks source link
cotk data-processing deep-learning machine-learning metrics natural-language-generation natural-language-processing python text-data

Conversational Toolkits

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cotk is an open-source lightweight framework for model building and evaluation. We provides standard dataset and evaluation suites in the domain of general language generation. It easy to use and make you focus on designing your models!

Features included:

This project is a part of dialtk (Toolkits for Dialog System by Tsinghua University), you can follow dialtk or cotk on our home page.

Note: master branch is the developing branch. The newest release is v0.1.0.

Quick links




We support Unix, Windows, and macOS.

Install from pip

You can simply get the latest stable version from pip using

    pip install cotk

Install from source code

    git clone
    cd cotk
    pip install -e .

Quick Start

Let's skim through the whole package to find what you want.


Load common used dataset and do preprocessing:

    >>> import cotk.dataloader
    >>> # automatically download online resources
    >>> dataloader = cotk.dataloader.MSCOCO("resources://MSCOCO_small")
    >>> # or download from a url
    >>> dl_url = cotk.dataloader.MSCOCO("")
    >>> # or import from local file
    >>> dl_zip = cotk.dataloader.MSCOCO("./")

    >>> print("Dataset is split into:", dataloader.fields.keys())
    dict_keys(['train', 'dev', 'test'])

Inspect vocabulary list

    >>> print("Vocabulary size:", dataloader.frequent_vocab_size)
    Vocabulary size: 2597
    >>> print("First 10 tokens in vocabulary:", dataloader.frequent_vocab_list[:10])
    First 10 tokens in vocabulary: ['<pad>', '<unk>', '<go>', '<eos>', '.', 'a', 'A', 'on', 'of', 'in']

Convert between ids and strings

    >>> print("Convert string to ids", \
    ...           dataloader.convert_tokens_to_ids(["<go>", "hello", "world", "<eos>"]))
    Convert string to ids [2, 6107, 1875, 3]
    >>> print("Convert ids to string", \
    ...           dataloader.convert_ids_to_tokens([2, 1379, 1897, 3]))
    Convert ids to string ['hello', 'world']

Iterate over batches

    >>> for data in dataloader.get_batches("train", batch_size=1):
    ...     print(data)
        array([[ 2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 1, 1099, 4, 3]]),
        # <go> This is an old photo of people and a <unk> wagon.
        array([[ 2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 3755, 1099, 4, 3]]),
        # <go> This is an old photo of people and a horse-drawn wagon.
     'sent_length': array([14])}

Or using while (another iteration method) if you like

    >>> dataloader.restart("train", batch_size=1):
    >>> while True:
    ...    data = dataloader.get_next_batch("train")
    ...    if data is None: break
    ...    print(data)

note: If you want to know more about Dataloader, please refer to docs of dataloader.


We found there are different versions of the same metric in different papers, which leads to unfair comparison between models. For example, whether considering unk, calculating the mean of NLL across sentences or tokens in perplexity may introduce huge differences.

We provide a unified implementation for metrics, where hashvalue is provided for checking whether the same data is used. The metric object receives mini-batches.

    >>> import cotk.metric
    >>> metric = cotk.metric.SelfBleuCorpusMetric(dataloader, gen_key="gen")
    >>> metric.forward({
    ...    "gen":
    ...        [[2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 3755, 1099, 4, 3],
    ...         [2, 46, 145, 500, 1764, 207, 11, 5, 93, 7, 31, 4, 3]]
    ... })
    >>> print(metric.close())
    {'self-bleu': 0.02253475750490193, 'self-bleu hashvalue': 'f7d75c0d0dbf53ffba4b845d1f61487fd2d6d3c0594b075c43111816c84c65fc'}

You can merge multiple metrics together by cotk.metric.MetricChain.

    >>> metric = cotk.metric.MetricChain()
    >>> metric.add_metric(cotk.metric.SelfBleuCorpusMetric(dataloader, gen_key="gen"))
    >>> metric.add_metric(cotk.metric.FwBwBleuCorpusMetric(dataloader, reference_test_list=dataloader.get_all_batch('test')['sent_allvocabs'], gen_key="gen"))
    >>> metric.forward({
    ...    "gen":
    ...        [[2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 3755, 1099, 4, 3],
    ...         [2, 46, 145, 500, 1764, 207, 11, 5, 93, 7, 31, 4, 3]]
    ... })
    >>> print(metric.close())
    100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [00:00<00:00, 5281.95it/s]
    {'self-bleu': 0.02253475750490193, 'self-bleu hashvalue': 'f7d75c0d0dbf53ffba4b845d1f61487fd2d6d3c0594b075c43111816c84c65fc', 'fw-bleu': 0.28135593382545376, 'bw-bleu': 0.027021522872801896, 'fw-bw-bleu': 0.04930753293488745, 'fw-bw-bleu hashvalue': '60a39f381e065e8df6fb5eb272984128c9aea7dee4ba50a43bfb768395a70762'}

We also provide recommended metrics for selected dataloader.

    >>> metric = dataloader.get_inference_metric(gen_key="gen")
    >>> metric.forward({
    ...    "gen":
    ...        [[2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 3755, 1099, 4, 3],
    ...         [2, 46, 145, 500, 1764, 207, 11, 5, 93, 7, 31, 4, 3]]
    ... })
    >>> print(metric.close())
    100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [00:00<00:00, 4857.36it/s]
    100%|██████████| 1250/1250 [00:00<00:00, 4689.29it/s]
    {'self-bleu': 0.02253475750490193, 'self-bleu hashvalue': 'f7d75c0d0dbf53ffba4b845d1f61487fd2d6d3c0594b075c43111816c84c65fc', 'fw-bleu': 0.3353037449663603, 'bw-bleu': 0.027327995838287513, 'fw-bw-bleu': 0.050537105917262654, 'fw-bw-bleu hashvalue': 'c254aa4008ae11b1bc4955e7cd1f7f3aad34b664178a585a218b1474970e3f23', 'gen': [['inside', 'is', 'an', 'elephant', 'shirt', 'of', 'people', 'and', 'a', 'grasslands', 'pulls', '.'], ['An', 'elephant', 'girls', 'baggage', 'sidewalk', 'with', 'a', 'clock', 'on', 'it', '.']]}

note: If you want to know more about metrics, please refer to docs of metrics.

Predefined Models

We have provided some baselines for the classical tasks, see Model Zoo in docs for details.

You can also use cotk download thu-coai/MODEL_NAME/master to get the codes.


You are welcome to create an issue if you want to request a feature, report a bug or ask a general question.


We welcome contributions from community.


cotk is maintained and developed by Tsinghua university conversational AI group (THU-coai). Check our main pages (In Chinese).


Apache License 2.0