thu-nics / MixDQ

[ECCV24] MixDQ: Memory-Efficient Few-Step Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Metric-Decoupled Mixed Precision Quantization
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This repo contains the official code of our ECCV2024 paper: MixDQ: Memory-Efficient Few-Step Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Metric-Decoupled Mixed Precision Quantization

We design MixDQ, a mixed-precision quantization framework that successfully tackles the challenging few-step text-to-image diffusion model quantization. With negligible visual quality degradation and content change, MixDQ could achieve W4A8, with equivalent 3.4x memory compression and 1.5x latency speedup.



We recommend using conda for environment management.

cd quant_utils
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate mixdq
python -m pip install --upgrade --user ortools
pip install accelerate

Data Preparation

The stable diffusion checkpoints are automatically downloaded with the diffusers pipeline, we also provide manual download scripts in ./scripts/utils/ For text-to-image generation on COCO annotations, we provide the captions_val2014.json with Google Drive, please put it in the ./scripts/utils.

0. FP text-to-image generation

Run the to generate images based on coco annotation or given prompt. (When deleting --prompt xxx, using coco annotations as the default prompts.) The images could be found in $BASE_PATH/generated_images.

## SDXL_Turbo FP Inference
config_name='sdxl_turbo.yaml' # quant config, but only model names are used
BASE_PATH='./logs/debug_fp'   # save image path

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$1 python scripts/ \
        --config ./configs/stable-diffusion/$config_name \
        --base_path $BASE_PATH --batch_size 2 --num_imgs 8  --prompt  "a vanilla and chocolate mixing icecream cone, ice background" \

1. Normal Quantization

We provide the shell script for the whole quantization process. The quantization process consists of 3 steps: (1) generating the calibration data. (2) conduct PTQ process. (3) conduct quantized model inference. We also provide the scripts for each of the 3 processes (,, You could run the to finish the whole quantization process, or run three steps respectively.

1.1 Generate Calibration Data

Run the $GPU_ID to generate the FP activation calibration data. The output path of calib data is specified in the quant config.yaml. the --save_image_path saves the FP generated reference images. (We provide the pre-generated calib data at Google Drive, you could replace it with "/share/public/diffusion_quant/calib_dataset/" in mixdq_open_source/MixDQ/configs/stable-diffusion/sdxl_turbo.yaml. Noted that the calib_data in the google drive contains 1024 samples, so you may increase the n_samples in the sdxl_turbo.yaml up to 1024.)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$1 python scripts/ --config ./configs/stable-diffusion/$config_name --save_image_path ./debug_imgs

1.2 Post Training Quantization (PTQ) Process

Run the $LOG_NAME $GPU_ID to conduct PTQ to determine quant parameters, the quant parameters are saved as ckpt.pth in the log path. (We provide the ckpt.pth quant_params checkpoint for sdxl_turbo at Google Drive, you may put it under the ./logs/$log_name folder. It contains the quant_parmas for 2/4/8 bit, so you could use it with differnt mixed-precision configurations. )

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$2 python scripts/ --config ./configs/stable-diffusion/${cfg_name} --outdir ./logs/$1 --seed 42

1.3 Inference Quantized Model

1.3.1 Normal

We provide the quantized inference example in the latter part of, and the (the commented part). The --num_imgs denotes how many images to generate, when no --prompt is given, the COCO annotations are used as the default prompts. By default, 1 image is generated for each prompt. When a user-defined prompt is given, "#num_imgs" of images are generated following this prompt.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$1 python scripts/ --base_path $CKPT_PATH --batch_size 2 --num_imgs 8 

1.3.2 Mixed Precision

For simplicity, we provide MixDQ acquired mixed precision configurations in ./mixed_precision_scripts/mixed_percision_config/sdxl_turbo/final_config/, the example of mixed precision inference is shown in The "act protect" represents layers that are preserved as FP16. (It's also worth noting that the mixed_precision_scripts/ are used for mixed precision search, for infering the mixed precision quant model, use scripts/

# Mixed Precision Quant Inference
WEIGHT_MP_CFG="./mixed_precision_scripts/mixed_percision_config/sdxl_turbo/final_config/weight/weight_8.00.yaml"  # [weight_5.02.yaml, weight_8.00.yaml]
ACT_MP_CFG="./mixed_precision_scripts/mixed_percision_config/sdxl_turbo/final_config/act/act_7.77.yaml "

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$1 python scripts/ \
  --base_path $CKPT_PATH --batch_size 2 --num_imgs 8  --prompt"a vanilla and chocolate mixing icecream cone, ice background"\
  --config_weight_mp $WEIGHT_MP_CFG \
  --config_act_mp  $ACT_MP_CFG \
  --act_protect  $ACT_PROTECT \

Using the example prompt, the generated W8A8 with mixed precision should be like:

3. Mixed Precision Search

Please download the util_files from Google Drive, and unzip it in the repository root directory. Please refer to the ./mixed_precision_scripts/ for detailed process of the mixed precision search process.


Our code is developed based on Q-Diffusion, and the Diffusers Libraray.


If you find our work helpful, please consider citing:

      title={MixDQ: Memory-Efficient Few-Step Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Metric-Decoupled Mixed Precision Quantization}, 
      author={Tianchen Zhao and Xuefei Ning and Tongcheng Fang and Enshu Liu and Guyue Huang and Zinan Lin and Shengen Yan and Guohao Dai and Yu Wang},



If you have any questions, feel free to contact:

Tianchen Zhao:

Xuefei Ning: