thuantan2060 / comment-translator

Comment translator is extension for Visual Studio 2017. It make easy way to translate comment in editor. Sorry everyone because I'm focusing in another project so that I don't have enough time to take care this project anymore. If you want to modify this project feel free to fork it. Thanks! API repository:
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Comment Translator

Build status

Download this extension from the VS Gallery or get the CI build.

Extension of visual studio 2017 that automatic translate comment in you open file.

See the change log for changes and road map.

Server side

You can found the API using for this project here LINK. But the library that I'm using to translate was deprecated and server will not going to working. If you want please make your own server. Thank you!


Automatic translate comment in opening file

Commnent in you opening file will be translate to language you were setting.

Auto Translate

Support Languages

Toggle Auto Translate

Manual translate selected text

Translate selected text by right-click or shortcut Ctrl-Shift-T

Manual Translate

Auto select line if not selected text

Not Selected Text

Auto Selecte Line

Copy translated text by one-click

Copy Translated Text

Setting translate



Check out the contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to this project.

For cloning and building this project yourself, make sure to install the Extensibility Tools 2017 extension for Visual Studio which enables some features used by this project.


Apache 2.0