thuhoainguyen / kits23

The official repository of the 2023 Kidney Tumor Segmentation Challenge (KiTS23)
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Enhancing Kidney Lesion Segmentation through Histology-Specific Label Refinement and Classification

Thesis project at University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)

Hoai Thu Nguyen (


Recent advancements in medical imaging and machine learning have significantly improved the accuracy of automated lesion detection and segmentation. The KiTS challenges represents a pivotal step in this domain, focusing on the segmentation of kidney lesions from CT scans. This thesis proposal aims to build upon the challenge's foundation by introducing a novel approach that incorporates histology-specific labels for lesions, aiming to refine segmentation accuracy and serve as a precursor for detailed lesion classification.

Kidney lesion segmentation plays a crucial role in diagnosing and planning the treatment of renal diseases. The KiTS 2023 challenge has provided a substantial dataset for developing and benchmarking segmentation algorithms. However, the challenge's initial scope, which treated all lesions as a single class, presents an opportunity for further refinement. With the availability of histological data for approximately half of the cases, this work proposes to enhance the granularity of lesion segmentation and explore its implications for lesion classification.

This research aims to demonstrate that incorporating histology-specific lesion labels can significantly enhance the granularity and accuracy of kidney lesion segmentation. It is anticipated that the refined segmentations will not only serve as a more detailed map for clinical analysis but also as a robust foundation for developing precise lesion classification algorithms. Moreover, this work is expected to establish a benchmark for future research in the domain, providing a baseline against which subsequent advancements can be measured.

Building on the foundation of the KiTS 2023 challenge, this thesis proposal seeks to advance the field of kidney lesion segmentation and classification through the innovative use of histology-specific lesion labels. By enhancing the precision of segmentation models, this research holds the potential to contribute significantly to the diagnosis and treatment planning of renal diseases, marking a step forward in the application of machine learning techniques in medical imaging.


The tasks include: