thunder-app / thunder

Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android built with Flutter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Fix another back button issue #1269

Closed micahmo closed 1 month ago

micahmo commented 1 month ago

Pull Request Description

This PR fixes another broken issue from #1251 and related to #1260. In the latter PR, I fixed some issues where the top-level back button handler tries to take precedence even when it's not at the top of the navigation stack. However, there's another case -- the profile page for the logged-in user -- where the back button handler technically is at the top of the navigation stack, but it still needs to defer to the back button handler on the user page. It looks like the easiest solution here is to disable the top-level handler when we're on the account page and let the account page handle scrolling to the main page via a delegate. Let me know if you agree!

Issue Being Fixed

Issue Number: N/A

Screenshots / Recordings




hjiangsu commented 1 month ago

I think there's a simpler way to achieve this behaviour without having to pass in callback functions.

We can use stopDefaultButtonEvent to determine if we should run a given BackButtonInterceptor handler.

// thunder_page.dart
FutureOr<bool> _handleBackButtonPress(bool stopDefaultButtonEvent, RouteInfo info) async {
  final bool topOfNavigationStack = ModalRoute.of(context)?.isCurrent ?? false;

  if (!topOfNavigationStack) return false;
  if (stopDefaultButtonEvent) return false; // Add this line

  // ... rest of code

Adding this seems to give the desired behaviour. Let me know if this change works! I made a quick PR with this change:

micahmo commented 1 month ago

Yeah that's perfect, thanks! 😄

hjiangsu commented 1 month ago

If it works, I'll go ahead and close this PR in favour of the other one!