thunder-app / thunder

Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android built with Flutter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
712 stars 62 forks source link
android dart fediverse fediverse-client flutter ios lemmy



An open source, cross-platform (iOS & Android) Lemmy client built with Flutter

Lemmy matrix chat

FeaturesRoadmapContributingTranslationsBuilding From SourceConventions

Comments Card View Compact View Customizability

Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that this repo is currently my personal side project to build something cool while learning about Dart and Flutter.

Contributions to this project are always welcomed, and in fact, even strongly encouraged here! Since I am only able to work on this during my spare time, any contributions from the community is valuable. If you are a developer, feel free to tackle any issues present.

Your passion, contributions, and ideas would be greatly appreciated! Together, let's make this project shine. 🚀 💻



General releases can be obtained officially through Google Play Store, IzzyOnDroid, or through GitHub releases.

Pre-releases are available in the Releases section under the corresponding version. You can also use Obtainium.


General releases can be obtained officially through App Store, or through GitHub releases.

Pre-releases are available through TestFlight. An alternative is to download the corresponding IPA file in the Releases section and install it through AltStore.


Thunder is currently undergoing active alpha development, and it is possible that not all features have been fully implemented at this stage. Due to this, significant breaking changes may occur between versions.

This is a non-exhaustive list of features that Thunder currently supports:

🏡 Communities & Users

🌎 Instances

🔎 Search

🗒️ Posts & Comments

🔑 Accounts

🎨 Customization

🎉 Extras


The current focus is to continue to expand on the general functionality and stability of Thunder. This includes but is not limited to:


Contributions are always welcome, but please abide by our community code of conduct!

To contribute potential features or bug-fixes:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Base the feature or fix off the develop branch. This is to allow for pre-release versions without affecting the main general releases.
  3. Apply any changes and/or additions based off an existing issue (or create a new issue for the feature/fix you are working on)
  4. Create a pull request to have your changes reviewed and merged


Interested in translating Thunder? We use Weblate to crowdsource translations, so anyone can create an account and contribute!

Building From Source

Installing Flutter and Related Dependencies

Thunder is developed with Flutter, and is built to support both iOS and Android. There may be unofficial support on other platforms but is not guaranteed at this time (Linux, Windows, MacOS)

To build the app from source, a few steps are required.

  1. Set up and install Flutter. For more information, visit
  2. Ensure that you are on Flutter's stable channel using flutter channel stable.
  3. Clone this repository and fetch the dependencies using flutter pub get
  4. Run flutter gen-l10n to generate the localization files.
  5. Optional: Run the build script using dart scripts/build.dart, which will build both the iOS and Android release versions. This step is only required if you want to build a release version of the app.

Building with Docker

Alternatively, you can skip the prerequisite setup and build the Android application via docker with a single command:


Developing with Docker

You can also run your local development environment for Android via the Docker container, including connecting to ADB on the host machine.



While there are no specific conventions that must be followed, do try to follow best practices whenever possible.

Suggestions are always welcome to improve the code quality and architecture of the app!