thunder-app / thunder

Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android built with Flutter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Adjust language selector styling #1316

Closed hjiangsu closed 3 weeks ago

hjiangsu commented 1 month ago

Pull Request Description

This PR is a follow up to some of the discussions from #1165. In particular:

@micahmo @machinaeZER0 let me know your thoughts on the style change!

Issue Being Fixed

Issue Number: N/A

Screenshots / Recordings

Before After
simulator_screenshot_3C2AE542-32D7-40BA-B7E0-B946193FC90B simulator_screenshot_3729947E-10DC-4453-A27B-2C27C91777CC
simulator_screenshot_2D067C5A-2A75-4B5B-AA09-413112C911FC simulator_screenshot_1B84157D-9E6F-46FE-8EFE-A21F43275BFF
simulator_screenshot_B6FA6B3B-741C-42ED-9803-E81C6D3CBA54 simulator_screenshot_EFFFD9BF-3E10-46E9-A35A-D1CAEC3C3748
simulator_screenshot_9E8841C9-FCC2-400C-B83F-F63D58B65D03 simulator_screenshot_AD42AF6C-E3FB-4DE9-9162-51593C382FA8


machinaeZER0 commented 4 weeks ago

I stylistically prefer the down one, but I agree that since it won't actually be a drop-down in our case that it makes less sense here. Either way I think this is great!

Side question: If the language name is long enough/the font size is big enough, does it interact weirdly with the NSFW toggle?

micahmo commented 4 weeks ago

One more tiny note: is it possible for the inkwell to only be as wide as the text? Right now it takes up the entire available width.

hjiangsu commented 3 weeks ago

The only feedback I might have is to use a right-facing chevron.


If the language name is long enough/the font size is big enough, does it interact weirdly with the NSFW toggle?

It seems like it wraps around the language:


is it possible for the inkwell to only be as wide as the text?
