thunder-app / thunder

Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android built with Flutter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add some basic documentation on notifications #1336

Open micahmo opened 2 weeks ago

micahmo commented 2 weeks ago

Pull Request Description

This PR adds some very basic documentation for notifications. You can see there are several TODOs that we need to flesh out, specifically with regards to self-hosting. But I wanted to get something out there to start. I think eventually we can link to this page from directly in Thunder (or even load up the contents and render it).

BTW, so far, I haven't found a way to request a specific endpoint from the UnifiedPush connector package. Therefore, I'm documenting how to use a custom server with ntfy by setting it up in the app first.

hjiangsu commented 4 days ago

I'll keep this on-hold while we continue work on the push notifications. Once the push notifications are at a stable stage, I'll add some additional context if necessary merge this in!

micahmo commented 4 days ago

Sounds good!