thunder-nyc / Thunder

Tensor for C++ 11
Apache License 2.0
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Thunder is a C++11 library to provide device-transparent Tensor mathematical operations. We are currently working on a first proof-of-idea version of the library, focusing on applications in Deep Learning using high-level parallelization and numerical optimization with GPUs and computer clusters.

Thunder is largely inspired by Torch 7, Facebook's TH++, and EBLearn's libidx. In fact, the name "Thunder" came from "TH--" if "under" could be interpreted as "--".


Here is a list of prerequisites you need to have to make sure Thunder compiles

Compile Thunder

Thunder can be installed via cmake. To configure the project, please execute

$ cmake

Then, you can compile Thunder by

$ make

If you want to install the project, you can use the following command after cmake configuration.

$ make install

To set the installation prefix, you can add an option like -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local to the cmake command.

Under Apple OS X you might get a warning regarding CMP0042. Since it is safe to ignore the warning, you can add an option -Wno-dev to supress it.

Compile Tests

To compile tests, you can add an option -DBUILD_THUNDER_TESTS=ON to the cmake command. Then, you can run the tests by

$ make test

In most systems the tests should be finished with no problems. However, it is possible that you may encounter occasional numerical precision errors depending on your compiler and standard C++ library. Checking the CTest logs manually is needed to make sure everything is okay.


Thunder has many exciting features. The following is a preview list. Some of them are already in the current public source code.

Device Transparency

Device transparency means that we can transfer data between tensors living on different hardware seamlessly. For example

using namespace thunder;

// Create a tensor of size 3x9x7x10
DoubleTensor cpu_tensor(3, 9, 7, 10);

// Create a tensor living on NVIDIA GPU and copy from CPU tensor.
// Only explicit static cast is needed.
FloatCudaTensor gpu_tensor = static_cast< FloatCudaTensor >(cpu_tensor);

Reference Semantics

Tensors in Thunder do not manage memory; rather, they contain thread-safe C++11 shared pointers to underlying Storage objects. Unless explicitly created by constructors, static tensor creators or a call to Tensor::clone() for deep copying, Thunder tensors are light-weight objects that can be copied, moved or returned without heavy side effects.

That being said, we still have static memory deallocation when a Storage is not linked by anybody. This provides us with both fast Tensor operations and tight memory control without requiring any explicit memory calls by the user.

using namespace thunder;

// Using tensor constructors create new underlying Storage object.
DoubleTensor tensor(3, 9, 7, 10);

// Static tensor creators also create new underlying Storage objects.
DoubleTensor created_tensor = DoubleTensor::ones(tensor.size());

// Copy constructor still points to the same Storage object.
DoubleTensor copied_tensor = tensor;

// Subtensor operators still points to the same Storage object,
// but now we have a different subtensor view of size 2x8x7x10
DoubleTensor sub_tensor = tensor[{{1,2},{1,8}}]

// However, the call to 'clone()' creates new underlying Storage.
// It is essentially a 'deep copy'.
DoubleTensor cloned_tensor = tensor.clone();

Range-based for Loop

We support the new C++11 range-based for loop on tensors. In Thunder, a range-based for loop iterates through the first dimension of the tensor.

using namespace thunder;

// Create a tensor of size 3x9x7x10
DoubleTensor tensor(3, 9, 7, 10);

// Create a vector of size 10
DoubleTensor vector(10);

// Create a vector of size 7 storing result data
DoubleTensor result = DoubleTensor::zeros(7);

// Create a default blas device
DoubleLinalg linalg_device;

// Create a default random device
DoubleRandom rand_device;

// Each t is of size 9x7x10
for (const DoubleTensor &t : tensor) {
    // Each s is of size 7x10
    for (const DoubleTensor &s : t) {
        // Do matrix-vector multiplication with vector sampled
        // from normal distribution with mean = 0 and std = 1
        result += linalg_device.gemv(s, rand_device.normal(vector, 0, 1));

Lambda Expression

In Thunder, each tensor can accept a lambda expression to read or change its values. The following is an example

using namespace thunder;

// Create a tensor of size 3x9x7x10
DoubleTensor tensor(3, 9, 7, 10);

// Create a value to store the sum
double sum = 0;

// Apply a lambda that sums up the values and assign current sum to current value
   [&sum](double v) {
      sum = sum + v;
      return sum;

Complex Numbers

Thunder library support complex numbers natively.

using namespace thunder;

// Create 2 tensors of size 3x9x7x10
DoubleTensor tensor1(3, 9, 7, 10);
DoubleTensor tensor2(3, 9, 7, 10);

// Construct a complex tensor using polar
DoubleComplexTensor complex_tensor = DoubleComplexTensor::polar(tensor1, tensor2);

// Get the complex norm of the tensor
DoubleTensor norm_tensor = complex_tensor.getCnrm();


Thunder provides its own serialization functionalities that are very extensible. It can

// Create a tensor of size 3x9x7x10 DoubleTensor tensor(3, 9, 7, 10);

// Create a text serializer that serializes to a string StringTextSerializer string_serializer;

// Serialize the tensor;

// Now you can see the content of the serialized data printf("Serialized data: %s\n", string_serializer.protocol().stream().str().c_str());

### Random Generators

We support all [random generators provided by the C++11 standard library]( They include
* Discrete uniform distribution
* Continuous uniform distribution
* Bernoulli distribution
* Binomial distribution
* Negative binomial distribution
* Geometric distribution
* Poisson distribution
* Exponential distribution
* Gamma distribution
* Weibull distribution
* Extreme value distribution
* Normal distribution
* Log normal distribution
* Chi squared distribution
* Cauchy distribution
* Fisher F distribution
* Student T distribution

For example
using namespace thunder;

// Create a random number generator
DoubleRandom generator;

// Generate a tensor of size 3x9x7x10 from a gamma distribution
// with alpha = 1.0 and beta = 1.0.
DoubleTensor tensor = generator.gamma({3, 9, 7, 10}, 1.0, 1.0);

Batch BLAS

Our BLAS routines support batch mode. The batch mode offers possiblity of speeding up BLAS routines in CPU or GPU without changing the underlying single-core implementation. This design should be more practical and easier to speed up.

using namespace thunder;

// Create a BLAS computing device
// Linealg is short for linear algebra
DoubleLinalg linalg_device;

// Create a tensor of size 3x9x7x10
DoubleTensor tensor1(3, 9, 7, 10);

// Create another tensor of size 3x9x10
DoubleTensor tensor2(3, 9, 10);

// Computing matrix-vector multiplication in batch mode
// Now, 'result' is a tensor of size 3x9x7.
DoubleTensor result = linalg_device.gemv(tensor1, tensor2);