The THX Bot can be used to reward message authors with ERC20 tokens from a pool by reacting with certain emojies on their contributions in a channel.
This is the list of commands that you can use to interact with THX Bot.
Prompts for THX App client_id and client_secret.
Prompts for THX Asset Pool contract address.
Prompts for emoji and reward amount.
/wallet-create <email> <password>
Creates a temporary wallet address for you to use in Slack.
/wallet-update <address>
Links an existing wallet address to your user.
Shows the linked wallet address and ERC20 token balance.
/wallet-login <email>
Sends a one-time login link to the e-mail address (valid for 10 minutes).
Signup is free while we are in beta so let's give it a try!
The application is used to authorize with our API. You can create your own ERC20 token with a limited or unlimited supply and deploy it in a fresh asset pool. Deploying your smart contract can take up to ~20 seconds.
Make sure to edit you asset pool after deployment and disable the governance setting. This feature is currently not supported by the THX Bot.
Install the THX App from the Apps landing page.
1. Authorize your workspace
1. What is your Client ID?
2. What is your Client Secret?
2. Connect your pool to a channel
1. What is your Asset Pool contract address?
3. Create emoji rewards
1. What emoji you want to use?
2. Please spectify your reward size?
1. Create a new THX wallet
A THX account will be created for e-mail and password you provide. Your temporary private key will be encrypted with the password you provide.
/wallet-create $secret123
2. Link an existing THX wallet
This wallet address will be linked to your Slack user account and used to transfer rewards to.
/wallet-update 0xeF6cF3A2294dB6cBdc010e559387696714307eA5
3. Send a one-time login link for you wallet
This command will send a login link to the provided e-mail address. After clicking the link in the e-mail you will be prompted to change your password and your existing rewards will be given to the new address you get when entering the Web Wallet
Make sure to link your new wallet address with
>wallet update <address>
3. Show wallet information
Show the currently linked wallet address and token balance for that address.