thybag / RPGCampaignManager

An Opensource RPG Campaign Manager and World Building tool.
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RPG Campaign Manager

A fully Open-Source RPG Campaign Manager and World Building tool.

Please note, this tool is still in development and not ready for production use. Some areas of functionality are still incomplete and likely buggy. Feedback and bug reports are much appreciated. It is not recommend to to run this on a public server until a stable version is released.


Key features

Unlimited Campaigns/Worlds

Unlimited Maps

Unlimited content

Manage media


This project is based on Laravel, so easy to get setup and working locally. You will need up to date PHP & MySQL available.

First off clone the repository down to where you'd like it to run.

git clone

Navigate inside the cloned folder and run the following to install dependencies via composer, set app keys & link storage.

composer install && cp .env.example .env && php artisan key:generate && php artisan storage:link

Once the above is complete, open .env and replace the database settings with your local databases own details.

After that hit migrate.

 php artisan migrate

At this point, you should be able to access the application from the public directory, You can now "register" your first user account and start your first campaign.

Development setup

In addition to the above steps, to start building/working on the front end you will need to npm install and start the watch task.

npm install && npm run watch

Help out?

If your interested in contributing to OSS, this project is super early days and based on a pretty standard PHP stack (Laravel, Leaflet etc.) so any help would be much appreciated. Please drop me a line on Github and I'm happy to point you in the right direction. I'm also open to direct PR's (Although theres a large risk of breaking changes / duplication of work given how early on everything is).

In addition to dev work, if anyone has a nice map image they'd be happy to be used in screen shot of the tool in use, please get in touch.