tiagocoutinho / pylonctl

Basler command line tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 1 forks source link
basler camera pypylon


Control basler cameras from de command line.

Can also be used as a python library. Components include helpers to control image acquisition and a library of PyQt widgets.


Linux pre-requisite

pylonctl has a dependency on official pylon python wrapper: the excelent pypylon.

At the time of writing this documentation, pypylon is only available on Pypi for Windows.

You can, however download the latest wheel for Linux directly from the pypylon github repo. Just download the wheel that is most appropriate to your machine and, from within your favorite python environment type:

pip install <wheel file>

(ex: pip install pypylon-1.5.4-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl)

Finally, from within your favorite python environment:

pip install pylonctl


$ pylonctl --help
Usage: pylonctl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --log-level [debug|info|warning|error]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  camera     camera related commands
  table      list of available cameras
  transport  transport related commands

List of transports

$ pylonctl transport table
| DeviceClass  |   FriendlyName   |            FullName             |    VendorName    |
|  BaslerUsb   |       USB        |    USB/BaslerUsb    |      Basler      |
|  BaslerGigE  |       GigE       |   GigE/BaslerGigE   |      Basler      |
| BaslerCamEmu | Camera Emulation | CamEmu/BaslerCamEmu | Camera Emulation |

List of cameras

$ pylonctl table
|       FullName        | UserDefinedName | ModelName |          DeviceFactory          |         FriendlyName         | DeviceClass  | VendorName | SerialNumber |
| Emulation (0815-0000) |                 | Emulation | CamEmu/BaslerCamEmu | Basler Emulation (0815-0000) | BaslerCamEmu |   Basler   |  0815-0000   |
| Emulation (0815-0001) |                 | Emulation | CamEmu/BaslerCamEmu | Basler Emulation (0815-0001) | BaslerCamEmu |   Basler   |  0815-0001   |
| Emulation (0815-0002) |                 | Emulation | CamEmu/BaslerCamEmu | Basler Emulation (0815-0002) | BaslerCamEmu |   Basler   |  0815-0002   |
| Emulation (0815-0003) |                 | Emulation | CamEmu/BaslerCamEmu | Basler Emulation (0815-0003) | BaslerCamEmu |   Basler   |  0815-0003   |

camera information

$ pylonctl camera --host= info
DeviceClass: BaslerGigE
DeviceFactory: GigE/BaslerGigE
DeviceVersion: 104845-21
FriendlyName: hpcal (2210004)
FullName: Basler acA1300-30gm#004050607080#
IpConfigCurrent: 6
IpConfigOptions: 7
MacAddress: 004050607080
ModelName: acA1300-30gm
PortNr: 3956
SerialNumber: 2210004
UserDefinedName: hpcal
VendorName: Basler
XMLSource: Device

camera parameters

$ pylonctl camera --model=Emulation param tree
├── AOI
│   ├── Height
│   │   ├── limits: (1, 4096)
│   │   ├── readonly: False
│   │   ├── step: 1
│   │   ├── suffix:
│   │   ├── tip: Sets the height of the area of interest in pixels.
│   │   ├── title: Height
│   │   ├── type: int
│   │   └── value: 1040
│   ├── HeightMax
│   │   ├── limits: (1040, 32768)
│   │   ├── readonly: False
│   │   ├── step: 1
│   │   ├── suffix:
│   │   ├── tip: Indicates the maximum allowed height of the image in pixels.
│   │   ├── title: Max Height
│   │   ├── type: int
│   │   └── value: 4096
│   ├── OffsetX
│   │   ├── limits: (0, 3072)
│   │   ├── readonly: False
│   │   ├── step: 1
│   │   ├── suffix:
│   │   ├── tip: Sets the X offset (left offset) of the area of interest in pixels.
│   │   ├── title: X Offset
│   │   ├── type: int
│   │   └── value: 0
├── TransportLayer
│   ├── ForceFailedBuffer
│   │   ├── readonly: False
│   │   ├── tip: Marks the next buffer as failed.
│   │   ├── title: Force Failed Buffer
│   │   └── type: action
│   ├── ForceFailedBufferCount
│   │   ├── limits: (1, 1024)
│   │   ├── readonly: False
│   │   ├── step: 1
│   │   ├── suffix:
│   │   ├── tip: Number of failed buffers to generate.
│   │   ├── title: Failed Buffer Count
│   │   ├── type: int
│   │   └── value: 100
│   ├── PayloadSize
│   │   ├── limits: (-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807)
│   │   ├── readonly: True
│   │   ├── step: 1
│   │   ├── suffix:
│   │   ├── tip: Size of the payload in bytes.
│   │   ├── title: PayloadSize
│   │   ├── type: int
│   │   └── value: 1064960
│   ├── readonly: True
│   ├── tip: This category includes items related to the IIDC 1394 transport specif[...]
│   ├── title: Transport Layer
│   └── type: group
├── readonly: True
├── title: Root
└── type: group
$ pylonctl camera --model=Emulation param tree
|                   Name                   |      Value       |  Type  | Access |
|                   AOI                    |       None       | group  |   RO   |
|         AcquisitionFrameRateAbs          |       10.0       | float  |   RW   |
|             UserSetSelector              |       None       |  list  |   RW   |
|                  Width                   |       1024       |  int   |   RW   |
|                 WidthMax                 |       4096       |  int   |   RW   |


Internal trigger

pylonctl --log-level=debug camera --model=Emulation acquire -n 3 -e .1
Acquiring 3 frames on Basler Emulation (0815-0000) (Total acq. time: 0.300s)
2020-05-04 21:33:30,812 DEBUG MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): OnOpened: Preparing network parameters
2020-05-04 21:33:30,813 DEBUG MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): OnOpened: Finished configuration
2020-05-04 21:33:30,955 INFO MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): Grabbed (1040, 1024) uint8
2020-05-04 21:33:31,067 INFO MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): Grabbed (1040, 1024) uint8
2020-05-04 21:33:31,201 INFO MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): Grabbed (1040, 1024) uint8
Elapsed time: 0.362473s

Software trigger

pylonctl --log-level=debug camera --model=Emulation acquire -t software -n 3 -e 1
Acquiring 3 frames on Basler Emulation (0815-0000) (Total acq. time: 3.000s)
2020-05-04 21:32:42,855 DEBUG MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): OnOpened: Preparing network parameters
2020-05-04 21:32:42,856 DEBUG MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): OnOpened: Finished configuration
Press any key to trigger acquisition 1 of 3...
2020-05-04 21:32:46,123 INFO MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): Grabbed (1040, 1024) uint8
Press any key to trigger acquisition 2 of 3...
2020-05-04 21:32:47,675 INFO MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): Grabbed (1040, 1024) uint8
Press any key to trigger acquisition 3 of 3...
2020-05-04 21:32:49,312 INFO MainThread Emulation (0815-0000): Grabbed (1040, 1024) uint8
Elapsed time: 6.425155s