tiagodc / TreeLS

R functions for processing individual tree TLS point clouds
GNU General Public License v3.0
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GPLv3 License GitHub tag (latest by date)


High performance R functions for forest data processing based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning (but not only) point clouds.


This package is a refactor of the methods described in this paper, among many other features for 3D point cloud processing of forest environments.

Most algorithms are written in C++ and wrapped in R functions through Rcpp. TreeLS is built on top of lidR, using its LAS infrastructure internally for most methods.

For any questions, comments or bug reports please submit an issue here on GitHub. Suggestions, ideas and references of new algorithms are always welcome - as long as they fit into TreeLS' scope.

TreeLS is currently on v2.0.2. To install it from an official mirror, use: install.packages("TreeLS"). To install the most recent version, check out the Installation from source section below.


Main functionalities

Installation from source


Install TreeLS latest version

On the R console, run:



Example of full processing workflow from reading a point cloud file until stem segmentation of a forest plot:


# open sample plot file
file = system.file("extdata", "pine_plot.laz", package="TreeLS")
tls = readTLS(file)

# normalize the point cloud
tls = tlsNormalize(tls, keep_ground = F)
x = plot(tls)

# extract the tree map from a thinned point cloud
thin = tlsSample(tls, smp.voxelize(0.02))
map = treeMap(thin, map.hough(min_density = 0.1), 0)
add_treeMap(x, map, color='yellow', size=2)

# classify tree regions
tls = treePoints(tls, map, trp.crop())
add_treePoints(x, tls, size=4)
add_treeIDs(x, tls, cex = 2, col='yellow')

# classify stem points
tls = stemPoints(tls, stm.hough())
add_stemPoints(x, tls, color='red', size=8)

# make the plot's inventory
inv = tlsInventory(tls, d_method=shapeFit(shape='circle', algorithm = 'irls'))
add_tlsInventory(x, inv)

# extract stem measures
seg = stemSegmentation(tls, sgt.ransac.circle(n = 20))
add_stemSegments(x, seg, color='white', fast=T)

# plot everything once
tlsPlot(tls, map, inv, seg, fast=T)

# check out only one tree
tlsPlot(tls, inv, seg, tree_id = 11)

### overview of some new methods on v2.0 ###

file = system.file("extdata", "pine.laz", package="TreeLS")
tls = readTLS(file) %>% tlsNormalize()

# calculate some point metrics
tls = fastPointMetrics(tls, ptm.knn())
x = plot(tls, color='Verticality')

# get its stem points
tls = stemPoints(tls, stm.eigen.knn(voxel_spacing = .02))
add_stemPoints(x, tls, size=3, color='red')

# get dbh and height
dbh_algo = shapeFit(shape='cylinder', algorithm = 'bf', n=15, inliers=.95, z_dev=10)
inv = tlsInventory(tls, hp = .95, d_method = dbh_algo)
add_tlsInventory(x, inv)

# segment the stem usind 3D cylinders and getting their directions
seg = stemSegmentation(tls, sgt.irls.cylinder(n=300))
add_stemSegments(x, seg, color='blue')

# check out a specific tree segment
tlsPlot(seg, tls, segment = 3)