tiagopazhs / getting-things-done-server

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Getting things done - Backend

This is the back of Getting things done. A project based in the book "The art of stress-free productivity" that is the method GTD of David Allen to personal productivity methodology that redefines how we approach our life and work.

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NOTE: The content related to productivity and stress management on this project is based on my personal interpretation of David Allen's book "Getting Things Done." While I have studied and been inspired by Allen's techniques and he himself has encouraged the creation of this project, I don't have direct affiliation with the author or his work. I recommend users consult the original book for a comprehensive understanding of the methodologies.

See more on: https://gettingthingsdone.com/




Business Rules

The book describes 5 types of things that in the project will be defined as 5 scopes:

For more details about business rules, see: https://github.com/tiagopazhs/getting-things-done-client/issues/2

Data base collections (Version 1)

workflow User Journey page: - made on https://lucid.app



Clone the repository to your machine with the following command:


Navigate to the root folder:

$ cd getting-things-done-server

And then install the packages running:

$ npm install

Run database migrations:

$ npx sequelize-cli db:migrate


If your are not in the root folder, navigate to there using:

$ cd getting-things-done-server

Run the project:

$ npm run dev

Open your browser in the following path:



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/tiagopazhs/getting-things-done-server/.

This project is intended to be a safe and welcoming space for collaboration 💪.


This project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Frontend Repository

For more details about the frontend project, see: https://github.com/tiagopazhs/getting-things-done-client.