tianrun-chen / SAM-Adapter-PyTorch

Adapting Meta AI's Segment Anything to Downstream Tasks with Adapters and Prompts
MIT License
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How to use after training #37

Closed moliniao closed 1 year ago

moliniao commented 1 year ago

Hello, how to use it after training? My code is as follows, the mask obtained after running is the same no matter what the picture is code: modelWeight = "/Users/xxx/Desktop/sement/segment-adapter/SAM-Adapter-PyTorch/pretrained/model_epoch_last.pth" imageTransform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((1024, 1024)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) configPath = "/Users/xxx/Desktop/sement/segment-adapter/SAM-Adapter-PyTorch/configs/cod-sam-vit-b.yaml" file1 = "/Users/xxx/Desktop/sement/segment-adapter/SAM-Adapter-PyTorch/camourflage_00103.jpg" file2 = "/Users/xxx/Desktop/sement/segment-adapter/SAM-Adapter-PyTorch/camourflage_00001.jpg" img1 = transforms.Resize((1024, 1024))(Image.open(file1).convert('RGB')) img2 = transforms.Resize((1024, 1024))(Image.open(file2).convert('RGB')) img1 = imageTransform(img1) img2 = imageTransform(img2) bs = torch.stack([img1,img2],dim=0) with open(configPath, 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) model = models.make(config['model']) sam_checkpoint = torch.load(modelWeight,map_location=torch.device('cpu')) model.load_state_dict(sam_checkpoint, strict=True) model.eval() masks = model.infer(bs) sig = torch.sigmoid(masks) single = torch.squeeze(masks, dim=0) to_pil = transforms.ToPILImage() mask_img = to_pil(single[1]) mask_img.show()

tianrun-chen commented 1 year ago

What is the error? We have included the checkpoint, can you please try the included pretrained model and the accompanied evaluation code?

YunyaGaoTree commented 1 year ago

What is the error? We have included the checkpoint, can you please try the included pretrained model and the accompanied evaluation code?

Hello Tianrun,

Could you tell us how to visualize the predicted mask from the fine-tuned models? If this part of codes were already included in the GitHub, could you tell us where to find them? If not, it's also OK. I will do it myself. (I checked most codes but perhaps still missed them)

Like the figures shown in your paper and GitHub. image

Thanks so much in advance! Kind regards.

tianrun-chen commented 1 year ago


You can try this at test.py

YunyaGaoTree commented 1 year ago

great thanks : ) I solved the problem.

AnnemSony commented 1 year ago

Thank you ! For multi-class segmentation do we need to make any changes .