tibabit / vim-templates

create files from templates
MIT License
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vim-templates (vimawesome)

Create files from predefined templates. Templates are files with .template extension.



Plugin 'tibabit/vim-templates'


Plug 'tibabit/vim-templates'


Using default templates

NOTE: All file names are case sensitive.

Auto initialization

By default auto initialization is set to true, so whenever a new file is created, the file is automatically initialized if a template matches (for file name or file extension, since file name is more specific, it is given priority over file extension). This can be disabled by setting g:tmpl_auto_initialize to 0 in your .vimrc.


Creating your own templates


 * @author      : {{NAME}} ({{EMAIL}})
 * @created     : {{TODAY}}
 * @filename    : {{FILE}}
#ifndef {{MACRO_GUARD}}
#define {{MACRO_GUARD}}

/* declarations */

#endif /* {{MACRO_GUARD}} */

generates this for a file named header.h

 * @author      : Vikas Kesarwani (vikash@abc.com)
 * @created     : 07/09/2018
 * @filename    : header

#ifndef HEADER_H
#define HEADER_H

/* declarations */

#endif /* HEADER_H */

Search paths

The plugin searches for templates as follows

  1. In folders named templates recursively up the directory tree, i.e. first in a directory templates under the current working directory, then in ../templates, then '../../templates', ...
  2. In search paths defined by g:tmpl_search_paths in your .vimrc file
  3. The templates folder in this plugin's directory

If you want to add a custom directory to the search path, e.g. if you placed them inside a templates directory under $HOME then add the following line in your .vimrc file:

let g:tmpl_search_paths = ['~/templates']

Configuring the placeholder values


The Following placeholders are currently supported by this plugin

Date & Time


File name

License and Copyright
