tibordp / terraform-hcloud-dualstack-k8s

Terraform module for a dual-stack Kubernetes cluster on Hetzner Cloud
MIT License
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dual-stack ipv6 kubernetes terraform-module

Hetzner Dual-Stack Kubernetes Cluster

Unofficial Terraform module to build a viable dual-stack Kubernetes cluster in Hetzner Cloud.

Creates a Kubernetes cluster on the Hetzner cloud, with the following features:

Getting Started

Configure the Hetzner Cloud provider according to the documentation and provide a Hetzner Cloud SSH key resource to access the cluster machines:

resource "hcloud_ssh_key" "key" {
  name       = "key"
  public_key = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")

Create a simple Kubernetes cluster:

module "cluster" {
  source  = "tibordp/dualstack-k8s/hcloud"
  version = "2.3.0"

  name           = "k8s"
  hcloud_ssh_key = hcloud_ssh_key.key.id
  hcloud_token   = var.hetzner_token
  location       = "hel1"

module "worker_nodes" {
  source = "tibordp/dualstack-k8s/hcloud//modules/worker-node"
  version = "2.3.0"

  cluster = module.cluster
  count  = 2

  name           = "k8s-worker-${count.index}"
  hcloud_ssh_key = hcloud_ssh_key.key.id
  location       = "hel1"

output "kubeconfig" {
  value     = module.cluster.kubeconfig
  sensitive = true

When the cluster is deployed, the kubeconfig to reach the cluster is available from the output. There are many ways to continue, but you can store it to file:

terraform output -raw kubeconfig > kubeconfig.conf

and check the access by viewing the created cluster nodes:

$ kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig=kubeconfig.conf
NAME                  STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
k8s-control-plane-0   Ready    control-plane   31m   v1.31.1
k8s-worker-0          Ready    <none>          31m   v1.31.1
k8s-worker-1          Ready    <none>          31m   v1.31.1

Supported base images

The module should work on most major RPM and DEB distros. It been tested on these base images:

Others may work as well, but have not been tested.

High availability setup

This module can create a highly available control plane with multiple control plane nodes. There are two options available:

It is recommended to set up control_plane_endpoint (e.g. a DNS record) even if a single control plane node is used, as doing so will allow for additional control plane nodes to be added later. If this is not done, the cluster will have to be manually reconfigured (e.g like this) to use the new endpoint when new control plane nodes are added.

Removing/replacing control plane nodes

A first step before removing a control plane node is to remove its membership in the etcd cluster. Read this section carefully before removing control plane nodes! If etcd membership is not removed from the prior to the node being shutdown, the whole cluster can potentially become inoperable. If the control plane node that is being removed is still functional, the easiest way to remove is by invoking the following command on the node:

kubeadm reset --force

If the node is already defunct, there are two cases to consider:

You may also need to manually remove the Node object, as the Hetzner Cloud Controller that is responsible for deleting defunct nodes may have been running on this very node (should not be an issue if kubectl drain was done first)

kubectl delete node <node name>

First control plane node is special in that it is used by the provisioning process (e.g. to get the bootstrap tokens for other nodes). If the first node is deleted, another server must be specified, otherwise provisioning operations will fail.

module "k8s" {
  source  = "tibordp/dualstack-k8s/hcloud"
  version = "2.3.0"


  kubeadm_host = "<ip address of another control plane node>"

Afterwards, the node can be replaced as usual, e.g.

terraform taint module.k8s.module.control_plane_nodes[0].hcloud_server.instance
terraform apply

Chaining other Terraform modules

TLS certificate credentials form the output can be used to chain other Terraform modules, such as the Kubernetes provider:

provider "kubernetes" {
  host = module.k8s.apiserver_url

  # For a single controlplane node cluster, this will be an IPv6 URL. For IPv4, this can
  # also be used
  # host = "https://${module.k8s.control_plane_nodes[0].ipv4_address}:6443"

  client_certificate     = module.k8s.client_certificate_data
  client_key             = module.k8s.client_key_data
  cluster_ca_certificate = module.k8s.certificate_authority_data

Cloud-init script for joining additional worker nodes

Once control plane is set up, module has an output called join_user_data that contains a cloud-init script that can be used to join additional worker nodes outside of Terraform (e.g. for use with cluster autoscaler).

The generated join configuration will be valid for 10 years, after which the bootstrap token will need to be regenerated (but you should probably rebuild the cluster with something better by then).

See example for how it can be used to manage worker separately from this module.

Using Hetzner Cloud private networks

This module can be configured to use Hetzner Cloud private networks by specifying use_hcloud_network, hcloud_network_id and hcloud_subnet_id variables. In this case native routing will be used for IPv4 traffic and Wigglenet overlay will only be used for IPv6 traffic (Hetnzer private networks are IPv4-only). Note that Hetzner private networks are not encrypted, just segregated.

See example for more details.


Read these notes carefully before using this module in production.

In addition some caveats for dual-stack clusters in general:


Some parts, including this README, adapted from JWDobken/terraform-hcloud-kubernetes by Joost Döbken.