tidymodels / tidymodels.org

Source of tidymodels.org
17 stars 14 forks source link

Creative Commons License


This repo is the source of https://www.tidymodels.org, and this readme tells you how it all works.

This repo (and resulting website) is licensed as CC BY-SA.

Requirements to preview the site locally

R packages

When updating the site, the goal is to use the most recent CRAN versions of the modeling/data analysis packages.

  1. Get a local copy of the website source.

    • Users of devtools/usethis can do:

      Note that usethis::create_from_github() works best when it can find a GitHub personal access token and usethis (git2r, really) is configured correctly for your preferred transport protocol (SSH vs HTTPS). Setup advice.

    • Otherwise, use your favorite method to fork and clone or download the repo as a ZIP file and unpack.
  2. Start R in your new tidymodels.org/ directory.

  3. To install the required packages, run the code within


    This file will also install the keras python libraries and environments.

  4. Restart R.

  5. You should now be able to render the site in all the usual ways for quarto by calling quarto render.


We use the latest release version of quarto. You can install and manage different version with qvm.

The website is set up to render with Netlify in according to quarto documentation.

The files _publish.yml, netlify.toml, and package.json specifies this configuration.


The source of the website is a collection of .qmd files stored in the folders in this repository. This site is then rendered as a Quarto html website.
