tienfuc / gdcmdtools

Google drive command-line tools
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Google drive command-line tools

Tools to maintain files on Google Drive.



API Setup


Use the tool to pass the OAuth2 authentication


usage: gdauth.py [-h] [-r {local,oob}] secret_file

gdauth v0.0.1 - Google Drive OAuth2 authentication tool - gdcmdtools (Google Drive command line tools)

positional arguments:
  secret_file           the secret file in JSON format, ~/.gdcmdtools.secrets will be overwritten

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r {local,oob}, --redirect_uri {local,oob}
                        specify the redirect URI for the oauth2 flow, could be:
                        local: means "http://localhost"
                        oob: (default) means "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"

Examples for gdauth

% python ./gdauth.py /tmp/client_secrets.json   # Use the /tmp/client_secrets.json as secret file


This tool can be used to upload files to Google drive as Spreadsheet,csv,fusion table,doc, etc.


usage: gdput.py [-h] [-s SOURCE_TYPE] [-l TARGET_TITLE]
                [-d TARGET_DESCRIPTION] [--no_print_id] [-f FOLDER_ID]
                [--debug {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
                [-p TYPE ROLE VALUE] [-t {raw,ft,pt,ss,doc,ocr,dr,gas}]
                [--ft_latlng_column FT_LATLNG_COLUMN]
                [--ft_location_column FT_LOCATION_COLUMN]
                [--csv_column_define define1_define2_defineN...]

gdput v0.91 - Tool to upload file to Google Drive - gdcmdtools (Google Drive command line tools)

positional arguments:
  source_file           The file you're going to upload to Google Drive

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SOURCE_TYPE, --source_type SOURCE_TYPE
                        define the source file type by MIME type,
                        ex: "text/csv", or "auto" to determine the file type by file name
  -l TARGET_TITLE, --target_title TARGET_TITLE
                        specify the title of the target file
                        specify the description of the target file
  --no_print_id         set if you like not to print the file id after file being uploaded
  -f FOLDER_ID, --folder_id FOLDER_ID
                        the target folder ID on the Google drive
  --debug {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        define the debug level
                        set the permission of the uploaded file, can be:
                        type: user, group, domain, anyone
                        role: owner, reader, writer
                        value: user or group e-mail address,
                        or 'me' to refer to the current authorized user
                        ex: -p anyone reader me # set the uploaded file public-read
  -t {raw,ft,pt,ss,doc,ocr,dr,gas}, --target_type {raw,ft,pt,ss,doc,ocr,dr,gas}
                        define the target file type on Google Drive, can be:
                        raw: (default) the source file will uploaded without touching
                        ft: Fusion Table (for .csv)
                        pt: Presentation (for .ppt, .pps, .pptx)
                        ss: Spreadsheet (for .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .csv, .tsv, .tab)
                        doc: Document (for .doc, .docx, .html, .htm, .txt, .rtf)
                        ocr: OCR (for .jpg, .git, .png, .pdf)
                        dr: Drawing (for .wmf)
                        gas: GAS project (for .json)

fusion table support (--target_type ft):
  --ft_latlng_column FT_LATLNG_COLUMN
                        specify the column header for latitude and longitude for the fusion table,
                        the column will be created automatically
  --ft_location_column FT_LOCATION_COLUMN
                        specify the location column header for the fusion table
  --csv_column_define define1_define2_defineN...
                        define the columns type for each column of the csv file,
                        can be "string", "number", "datetime", or "location".
                        ex: has 4 columns in the csv file: "name", "age", "birthday", "address".
                        you can set --csv_column_define string_number_datetime_location

Examples for gdput

% python ./gdput.py photo.jpg                    # upload photo.jpg to gd without changing the format
% python ./gdput.py -t ft samples/sample.csv     # upload a csv file to gd as fusion table
% python ./gdput.py -t ss samples/sample.csv     # upload a csv file to gd as spreadsheet
% python ./gdput.py -t ft --ft_location_column address  --ft_latlng_column latlng  samples/sample.csv 
                                          # upload a csv to gd as fusion table with geocoding the latitude longitude data according to the address rows
% python ./gdput.py -p anyone reader me samples/sample.csv     
                                          # upload a csv file as Spreadsheet and set the file public-read
% python ./gdput.py -t ft --csv_column_define string_string_location_string_string_number samples/sample.csv
                                          # upload a csv file as ft with specifed column type
% python ./gdput.py -t gas gas_project.json
                                          # update gas project with project file 'gas_project.json'


get files from google drive


usage: gdget.py [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-s NEW_FILE_NAME]
                [--debug {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]

gdget v0.91 - Tool to download file from Google Drive - gdcmdtools (Google Drive command line tools)

positional arguments:
  file_id               The id for the file you're going to download

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --export_format FORMAT
                        specify the export format for downloading,
                        google_format: export_format
                        spreadsheet: pdf, ods, xlsx
                        drawing: png, pdf, jpeg, svg
                        document: pdf, docx, rtf, odt, html, txt
                        script+json: json
                        presentation: pdf, pptx, txt
                        save the downloaded file as 
  --debug {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        define the debug level

Examples for gdget

% python ./gdget.py FILE_ID --export_format pdf -s /tmp/myfile.pdf # export the file as pdf and save as /tmp/myfile.pdf
% python ./gdget.py FILE_ID -f json # down files associated with GAS project


This tool can be used to set up file's permission


usage: gdperm.py [-h]
                 [--list | --get PERMISSION_ID | --insert TYPE ROLE VALUE | --delete PERMISSION_ID]

gdperm v0.0.1 - Tool to change file's permission on Google Drive - gdcmdtools (Google Drive command line tools)

positional arguments:
  file_id               The id of file you're going to change permission

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --list                list the permission resource of the file
  --get PERMISSION_ID   get the permission resource by id
  --insert TYPE ROLE VALUE
                        insert the permission to the file by id
  --delete PERMISSION_ID
                        delete the permission of the file by id

Examples for gdperm

% python ./gdperm.py 0B_XXXXXXXXXX --insert anyone reader me   # set the file as public-read
% python ./gdperm.py 0B_XXXXXXXXXX --list                      # list the permissions by file id: 0B_XXXXXXXXXX
% python ./gdperm.py 0B_XXXXXXXXXX --get 5566520               # get the permissions by permission id: 5566520
% python ./gdperm.py 0B_XXXXXXXXXX --delete 5566520            # delete the permissions by permission id: 5566520



BSD 2-Clause License


Please report bugs via https://github.com/tienfuc/gdcmdtools/issues


Tien Fu Chen

Email: tienfu.c @ gmail.com