Families Under Selection in Transcriptomes
FUSTr is a pipeline that clusters coding sequences from transcriptomes into protein families, and then analyzes those families for positive selection.
The only software needed to run FUSTr is Docker. FUSTr takes as input a directory containing transcriptome assemblies
Important: transcriptome assemblies need to be fasta files ending in .fasta, all in one directory.
Download FUSTr with the following command
git clone https://github.com/tijeco/FUSTr.git
These are the following dependencies of FUSTr that must be installed for FUSTr to properly function on a Linux 64 bit system.
for Linux 64 bit systemsInstall Miniconda3
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Choose to install to PATH
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev
wget ftp://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/pub/logiciel/silix/silix-1.2.11.tar.gz
tar zxvf silix-1.2.11.tar.gz
cd silix-1.2.11
make check
sudo make install
conda install snakemake
file i.e.export PATH=/path/to/FUSTr/bin:$PATH
to run FUSTr
simply issue the following command
FUSTr -d directory_with_fastas -t <number_of_threads>
With Docker installed correctly on your system issue the following command to initialize the Docker container
bash FUSTr/setup_docker.sh <directory_containing_fastas>
Once the docker container has been initialized you can enter it using the following command
docker run -it fustr /bin/bash
Now that you are in the docker container, your data is in /home/usr/data, to run FUSTr simply issue the following command
FUSTr -d ./data -t <number_of_threads>
The output will be in data/final_results/
You can use scp to transfer this to your local machine.
You do not have to make this Docker container over and over for new analysis with setup_docker.sh
. You can continue using the container for the analysis of additional datasets.
If you are getting permission denied
issues run the following command, then log out and back in to your system.
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
If you have issues setting up the docker conatiner using setup_docker.sh
(i.e. apt-get install
returns non-zero code), you likely need to adjust docker's DNS settings using the lovely tutorial by Robin Winslow here.
If you still experience issues with docker, please see below on how to install FUSTr directly to your system.
In order to setup Docker on a new machine you will need root privileges for running commands or to create a group of users. This is not a problem if Docker is already properly installed on the system.
Also, the default container size for Docker is 10 GB, which was plenty to run the analysis for the manuscript (273,221 transcripts and 48,000 simulated transcripts). For larger datasets, this may not be enough space.
For the reasons above, in the event that users do not have root permissions to setup Docker on a new computer, or have a bewilderingly large dataset that would cause the 10GB Docker container to run out of space, below we have included instructions for installing FUSTr on the user's system.
The file setup_docker.sh
takes as input a directory that contains the transcriptome assemblies the user wishes to analyze. There may be any number of transcriptomes in this directory. The only reqirements are that they are
This directory is then added to a docker container (located under /home/usr/data) that installs all necessary third party dependencies, removing the need for users to install any of them on their actual system.
Once in the docker container (automatically initiated at /home/usr), FUSTr
is installed to the system path.
Once FUSTr
is executed using FUSTr -d ./data -t <number_of_threads>
Snakefile is executed to run 10 subroutines.
takes each input fasta file in the ./data and cleans the text file for any spurious characters that commonly occur when transferring text files between different system architectures (such as ^M
) that will break downstram analysis. The output for this file is found in intermediate_files/{sample}.clean
takes as input the output from cleanFasta
. It further cleans the headers only keeping the first fields of text (some times headers have whole paragraphs of unnecessary information describing the sequence, so these are removed). Then these cleaned headers are analyzed to infer any patterns that may exist. The detected header patterns are placed in headerPatterns.txt, the output of the fasta files with new headers are placed in intermediate_files/{sample}.new_headers
takes as input the outputfrom newHeaders
. The program Transdecoder finds coding sequences from these transcripts, the output is placed in both {sample}.new_headers.transdecoder.pep and {sample}.new_headers.transdecoder.cds. Additional output from Transdecoder can be found in {sample}.new_headers.transdecoder_dir
takes as input the files from orf
and headerPatterns.txt
as input to filter isoforms. It looks for genes that have multiple possible isoforms and only passes along the longest isoform for further analysis. The output can be found in intermediate_files/{sample}.longestIsoform.pep and intermediate_files/{sample}.longestIsoform.cds
takes the combined pep output from longIsoform
with lighter unique identifiers as input using DIAMOND
to run an all against all BLASTP search. The output can be found in intermediate_files/all.pep.combined.blastall.out
takes as input the output from blast
and assigns proteins to putative gene families in the file intermediate_files/all.pep.combined_r90_SLX.fnodes
generates multiple protein squence alignments for the families generated in silix
into files Families/family_{fam}.aln
reconstructs phylogenies for the alignments generated by mafft
into files Families/family_{fam}.tree
trims spurious columns from output of mafft
in files Families/family_{fam}.trimmed.aln
takes trimmed alignments reverse translated to become codon alignments and classifies the selective regime of each site in each family. Output is placed in Families/family{fam}_dir/family{fam}.aln.codon.FUBAR.json
Use the following command to parse only the json files listed in the famsUnderSelection.txt file and place them in a nice csv file per family. The columns will have the following information per codon position of the family alignment:
python FUSTr/utils/fubar_json.FUSTr.py -d <directory_with_fastas>
You may wish to rerun the analyses from FUBAR with CODEML, this will take a sigificant amount of time, but I have added an option for FUSTr to do this, before or after running FUSTr just use the -doCodeml
flag at the end and it will run CODEML on all of the families identified by FUSTr.
IMPORTANT: make sure you have biopython installed, and CODEML installed
FUSTr -d <directory> -t <threads> -doCodeml
The output will be in final_results/codemlStatsfile.txt
It will consist of three columns with the family model comparison (M3 vs M0, M2 vs M1, M8 vs M7,M8 vs M8a), and the assosiated p-values for the liklihood ratios of the model comparisons. Complete CODEML output can be found for each model in directory Families/family_{num}_dir/