tiliado-archives / nuvola-arch-packaging

UNMAINTAINED. Nuvola Player repository for Arch Linux.
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Missing documentation about instalation & format support #2

Open jiri-janousek opened 8 years ago

jiri-janousek commented 8 years ago

I installed Nuvola Player 3.0 from the repository (three weeks ago, actually) and format support warning appeared. When I clicked the "Help" button in Format Support dialog, there were no Arch-Linux-specific instructions on how to solve the issue. This must be changed.

These installation pages must be updated with Arch Linux instructions:

Let's collaborate on a draft here :-)

jiri-janousek commented 8 years ago

I'll probably split each page into 5 new pages as they are already pretty long.

Celti commented 8 years ago

Sorry about the total lack of updates here; I've been travelling due to various emergencies (and, sadly, deaths) in the family. Still trying to wind things up from the trip and decompress, but I'll try and get working on this ASAP.