tiliado-archives / nuvola-arch-packaging

UNMAINTAINED. Nuvola Player repository for Arch Linux.
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Unmaintained - archived

This repository isn't maintained any longer and has been archived.

Nuvola Player Arch Linux Packaging Tools

This is a collection of bash scripts that leverage makepkg-template (from pacman) and makechrootpkg (from the Arch Linux devtools) to build a complete collection of packages (both stable and the latest git) for Nuvola Player, and create a repository for them with repose.

Package Repository (Pacman)

The primary purpose of these scripts is to maintain the official Arch Linux package repository for Nuvola Player. This repository includes the current release builds of Diorite 0.2, Nuvola Player 3.0, and all declared-stable Nuvola Player integrations; plus VCS-source builds of Diorite 0.3, Nuvola Player 3.1, and all declared-functional Nuvola Player integrations. It also includes chromium-pepper-flash-standalone and freshplayerplugin, to benefit integrations that require Flash.

These should always be quite up-to-date; if they are not, file an issue against this repository.

To use these packages, add the following to your pacman.conf:

SigLevel = Required TrustedOnly
Server = https://repo.celti.name/archlinux/$repo/$arch

This repository and its database will always be GPG-signed: you can find my key on most keyservers, on Keybase, on my personal website, and on every commit to the canonical git repository for these scripts, or you can run the following commands to have pacman import it automatically:

pacman-key --recv-keys 123C3F8B058A707F86643316FA682BD8910CF4EA
pacman-key --lsign-key 123C3F8B058A707F86643316FA682BD8910CF4EA


By default, all building happens in ${PWD}/build/, the packages end up in /srv/pacman/packages/, and the repository is named [nuvolaplayer] and ends up in /srv/pacman/nuvolaplayer/${ARCH}, for all architectures supported by the build machine.

pacman -S devtools repose
# Note that repose is not available in the official repositories.

git clone https://github.com/tiliado/nuvola-arch-packaging.git
cd nuvola-arch-packaging

# Build and publish the tree, then delete all working files.
./do create chroots
./do build all packages
./do build all apps
./do publish
./do clean dist

# Build and publish a single release app in an updated pre-existing container.
./do clean chroots
./do update chroots
./do build app release google-play-music
./do publish

# Wipe the entire tree, then build and publish several -git packages/apps.
./do clean dist
./do create chroots
./do build packages webkit2gtk-mse diorite0.3 nuvolaplayer-git
./do build apps latest google-play-music-git spotify-git bandcamp-git
./do publish

Build Status