tim-hogan / glidingops

MIT License
3 stars 2 forks source link


A bunch of tools to assist gliding operations.

Based on original by Tim Hogan.

How to install

How to configure the database connections for production deployment

Due to the mixed vanilla php/laravel nature of the project, we need to configure the database parameters in two places. One is the conventional laravel .env file that has to be located at glidingops/lrv/.env.






The second one is glidingops' custom database configuration file that needs to be located at glidingops/config/database.php

return [
    'gliding' => [
        'username' => 'admin',
        'password' => '****',
        'hostname' => 'localhost',
        'dbname' => 'gliding'
    'tracks' => [
        'username' => 'track',
        'password' => '****',
        'hostname' => 'localhost',
        'dbname' => 'tracks'

Please note that glidingops/lrv/.env and glidingops/config/database.php are not tracked in git because they contain real credentials for the database connection.

Make sure mysql STRICT_MODE is not enabled (STRICT_TRANS_TABLES nor STRICT_ALL_TABLES). Please see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html#sql-mode-strict

To list the currently enabled modes use

SELECT @@sql_mode;

How to contribute

How to configure your development environment

First you'll have to checkout the project from github. It comes configured with Laravel Homestead for ease of spining up a confined development environment.

Laravel Homestead uses Vagrant to build and provision a virtual machine with all the packages necessary for running the project on your local machine (php5.6, mysql, apache etc.).

Before you move on, you'll have to make sure you have VirtualBox and Vagrant(https://www.vagrantup.com/) installed on your development machine. VirtualBox is our default choice for running the aformentioned virtual machine. If you do not fency VirtualBox, you can use any of the Vagrant's supported providers. Just edit glidingops/lrv/Homestead.yaml and specify your provider of choice.

After you've checked out the project, change current folder to lrv. All commands for setting up the environment will be run from this folder.

cd glidingops/lrv

Build up and provision the virtual box.

vagrant up

This will configure and build a VM image and at the end of the process will crate and seed a test database to be used during development.

:warning: This process will overwrite lrv/.env and config/database.php. If already present make sure you have a backup copy.

You might see a couple of errors related to php7.1 failing to be properly configured. You can safely ignore them as the project is using the older php5.6.

The project's root glidingops from your host machine is automatically mapped under the code folder on the virtual machine. You can use your editor of choice on your host machine to edit any of the source files and as soon as you save, the changes will be synced with the virtual macine.

From now on, all laravel and php commands should be run from inside the virtual machine. You can ssh into it using vagrant.

vagrant ssh

You shold be able to visit https://glidingops.test and login using Username: fgordon and Password: fgordon. Because in development mode we are using a self signed certificate, your server will give you a warning. You can safely add an exception for this certificate and instruct your browser to trust it.

If your browser complains that it can not find https://glidingops.test then check your hosts file and make sure you have an entry that reads   glidingops.test