timaeus-research / icl

Understand the development of in-context learning in transformers with linear regression data
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The Developmental Landscape of In-Context Leanring

We show that in-context learning emerges in transformers in discrete developmental stages. These stages are associated with changes in the local geometry of the loss landscape, the nature and magnitude of which are revealed by essential dynamics and the local learning coefficient of singular learning theory.

Basic setup

Clone this repo and install standard dependencies,

pip install -e . 

Reproducing analysis

All the data needed to reproduce the analysis and regenerate the figures depicted in the paper is available in data/. Figures are avaiable in figures/, including figures for other experiments and seeds not included in the paper.

To generate figures with the provided data, open the notebooks in notebooks/:

Reproducing experiments


Main language model checkpoints are available on HuggingFace.

Local storage

To save checkpoints locally, set the LOCAL_ROOT environment variable to a local directory (see .env-template).

Using AWS

If you choose to use AWS, set the AWS_BUCKET_NAME variable (see .env-template). This assumes that you have an AWS account and that you have set up a bucket. Make sure to also set the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID variables.

Monitoring with W&B

To run experiments with W&B logging you will need your associated API key stored in your .netrc. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your wandb account through the browser and copy your API key from https://wandb.ai/authorize.
  2. Install wandb (pip install -r requirements.txt as above, or just pip install wandb)
  3. Run the command wandb login (or python -m wandb login) and then paste your API key from step (2) when prompted.
  4. This will create a file in your home directory called .netrc. Keep that file safe.

Set the WANDB_ENTITY env variable in .env.

Configuring and deploying training runs

To run a training run, first configure a run in the /sweeps/training-runs directory. The configuration for the runs featured in the paper are available in /sweeps/training-runs/L2H4Minf.yaml.

To run a training run, prepare a wandb sweep with the following command:

wandb sweep sweeps/training-runs/<config_name>.yaml

This will generate a sweep and print the associated ID. Run the sweep with the following command:

wandb agent <sweep_id>

Running LLC estimation

To run LLC estimation, first configure a run in the /sweeps/analysis or sweeps/calibration directory. The configuration for the runs featured in the paper are available in /sweeps/llc/0-L2H4-llcs-over-time.yaml.

To run a training run, prepare a wandb sweep with the following command:

wandb sweep sweeps/analysis/<config_name>.yaml

This will generate a sweep and print the associated ID. Run the sweep with the following command:

wandb agent <sweep_id>

Support for TPU training

Training on TPUs is supported out of the box. To disable TPU training, run agent with the DEVICE environment variable set to cpu:

DEVICE=cpu wandb agent <sweep_id>

LLC estimation is not yet supported on TPUs. Make sure to disable TPU device using the above command when running LLC estimation.


Some of the model and baselines implementations have unit tests: