timdaman / check_docker

Nagios plugin to check docker containers
GNU General Public License v3.0
152 stars 60 forks source link
docker icinga monitoring nagios nagios-plugin nrpe nrpe-monitoring nrpe-plugin

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============ check_docker

Nagios/NRPE compatible plugins for checking docker based services. Currently there are two nagios checks

With check_docker can use it to check and alert on

With check_swarm you can alert

These checks can communicate with a local docker daemon socket file (default) or with local or remote docker daemons using secure and non-secure TCP connections.

These plugins require python 3. It is tested on 3.5 and greater but may work on older versions of 3.


With pip ::

pip3 install check_docker
pip install check_docker

With curl ::

curl -o /usr/local/bin/check_docker https://raw.githubusercontent.com/timdaman/check_docker/master/check_docker/check_docker.py
curl -o /usr/local/bin/check_swarm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/timdaman/check_docker/master/check_docker/check_swarm.py
chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/check_docker /usr/local/bin/check_swarm

With wget ::

wget -O /usr/local/bin/check_docker https://raw.githubusercontent.com/timdaman/check_docker/master/check_docker/check_docker.py
wget -O /usr/local/bin/check_swarm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/timdaman/check_docker/master/check_docker/check_swarm.py
chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/check_docker /usr/local/bin/check_swarm

check_docker Usage


usage: check_docker.py [-h] [--connection [//docker.socket|<ip/host address>:] | --secure-connection [<ip/host address>:]] [--binary_units | --decimal_units] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--containers CONTAINERS [CONTAINERS ...]] [--present] [--threads THREADS] [--cpu WARN:CRIT] [--memory WARN:CRIT:UNITS] [--status STATUS] [--health] [--uptime WARN:CRIT] [--image-age WARN:CRIT] [--version] [--insecure-registries INSECURE_REGISTRIES [INSECURE_REGISTRIES ...]] [--restarts WARN:CRIT] [--no-ok] [--no-performance] [-V]

Check docker containers.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --connection [//docker.socket|<ip/host address>:] Where to find docker daemon socket. (default: /var/run/docker.sock) --secure-connection [<ip/host address>:] Where to find TLS protected docker daemon socket. --binary_units Use a base of 1024 when doing calculations of KB, MB, GB, & TB (This is default) --decimal_units Use a base of 1000 when doing calculations of KB, MB, GB, & TB --timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout in seconds. (default: 10.0) --containers CONTAINERS [CONTAINERS ...] One or more RegEx that match the names of the container(s) to check. If omitted all containers are checked. (default: ['all']) --present Modifies --containers so that each RegEx must match at least one container. --threads THREADS This + 1 is the maximum number of concurent threads/network connections. (default: 10) --cpu WARN:CRIT Check cpu usage percentage taking into account any limits. Valid values are 0 - 100. --memory WARN:CRIT:UNITS Check memory usage taking into account any limits. Valid values for units are %,B,KB,MB,GB. --status STATUS Desired container status (running, exited, etc). --health Check container's health check status --uptime WARN:CRIT Minimum container uptime in seconds. Use when infrequent crashes are tolerated. --image-age WARN:CRIT Maximum image age in days. --version Check if the running images are the same version as those in the registry. Useful for finding stale images. Does not support login. --insecure-registries INSECURE_REGISTRIES [INSECURE_REGISTRIES ...] List of registries to connect to with http(no TLS). Useful when using "--version" with images from insecure registries. --restarts WARN:CRIT Container restart thresholds. --no-ok Make output terse suppressing OK messages. If all checks are OK return a single OK. --no-performance Suppress performance data. Reduces output when performance data is not being used. -V show program's version number and exit

check_swarm Usage


usage: check_swarm.py [-h] [--connection [//docker.socket|<ip/host address>:] | --secure-connection [<ip/host address>:]] [--timeout TIMEOUT] (--swarm | --service SERVICE [SERVICE ...] | --ignore_paused) [-V]

Check docker swarm.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --connection [//docker.socket|<ip/host address>:] Where to find docker daemon socket. (default: /var/run/docker.sock) --secure-connection [<ip/host address>:] Where to find TLS protected docker daemon socket. --timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout in seconds. (default: 10.0) --swarm Check swarm status --service SERVICE [SERVICE ...] One or more RegEx that match the names of the services(s) to check. --ignore_paused Don't require global services to be running on paused nodes -V show program's version number and exit


.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/timdaman/check_docker.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/timdaman/check_docker .. |Code Climate| image:: https://codeclimate.com/github/timdaman/check_docker/badges/gpa.svg :target: https://codeclimate.com/github/timdaman/check_docker .. |Test Coverage| image:: https://codeclimate.com/github/timdaman/check_docker/badges/coverage.svg :target: https://codeclimate.com/github/timdaman/check_docker/coverage .. |Downloads| image:: http://pepy.tech/badge/check-docker :target: http://pepy.tech/count/check-docker