Promscale has been discontinued and is deprecated.
The code in this repository is no longer maintained.
Promscale is a unified metric and trace observability backend for Prometheus, Jaeger and OpenTelemetry built on PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB.
Promscale serves as a robust and 100% PromQL-compliant Prometheus remote storage and as a durable and scalable Jaeger storage backend. Promscale is a certified Jaeger storage backend.
Unlike other observability backends, it has a simple and easy-to-manage architecture with just two components: the Promscale Connector and the Promscale Database (PostgreSQL with the TimescaleDB and Promscale extensions).
Try it out now with our demo environment you can deploy on your laptop in five minutes with Docker.
git clone https://github.com/timescale/promscale.git
cd promscale/docker-compose/promscale-demo
docker compose up -d
Explore your metrics and traces in Grafana (http://localhost:3000, username: admin, password: admin) and Jaeger (http://localhost:16686).
Check our short demo guide to learn more.
Learn more about Promscale's architecture and how it works.
Promscale provides Prometheus users with:
A single-pane-of-glass across all Kubernetes clusters
Use Promscale as a centralized storage for all your Prometheus instances
so you can easily query data across all of them in Grafana and centralize
alert management and
recording rules.
Use multi-tenancy
to control who has access to the data for a Kubernetes cluster.
Efficient long-term trend analysis
Use Promscale as a durable long-term storage for Prometheus metrics with a proven and rock-solid
foundation based on PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB with millions of instances worldwide. With
metric downsampling
and per-metric retention
you can keep just the data you need for your analysis for as long as you need. This allows you
to cut down the costs associated with using the same retention for all data in Prometheus and
dramatically improves query performance for long-term queries.
Key features: 100% PromQL-compliant, high availability, multi-tenancy, PromQL alerting and recording rules, downsampling, per-metric retention.
If you are already familiar with PostgreSQL, then Promscale is a great choice for your Prometheus remote storage. You can scale to millions of series and hundreds of thousands of samples per second on a single PostgreSQL node thanks to TimescaleDB.
To get started:
Promscale supports ingesting Jaeger and OpenTelemetry traces via the Jaeger Collector and the OpenTelemetry Collector. OpenTelemetry traces can also be sent directly from OpenTelemetry client libraries via the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP). Promscale is a certified Jaeger storage that passess 100% of the compliance tests.
Promscale provides Jaeger and OpenTelemetry users with:
An easy-to-use durable and scalable storage backend for traces
Most users run Jaeger with the in memory or badger storage because the two options recommended for production
(Elasticsearch and Cassandra) are difficult to set up and operate. Promscale uses a much simpler architecture
based on PostgreSQL which many developers are comfortable with and scales to 100s of thousands of spans per
second on a single database node.
Service performance analysis
Because Promscale can store both metrics and traces, you can use the new
Service Performance Management feature in Jaeger with Promscale
as the only storage backend for the entire experience.
Promscale also includes a fully customizable, out-of-the-box, and modern
Application Performance Management (APM) experience
in Grafana built using SQL queries on traces.
Trace analysis
Jaeger searching capabilities are limited to filtering individual traces. This is helpful when troubleshooting problems once you know
what you are looking for. With Promscale you can use SQL to interrogate your trace data in any way you want and discover issues
that would usally take you a long time to figure out by just looking at log lines, metric charts or individual traces. You can see some
examples in our documentation and in
this blog post
Key features: native OTLP support, high availability, SQL queries, APM capabilities, data compression, data retention
Try it out by installing our lightweight opentelemetry-demo with a single command. Check this blog post for more details.
To get started:
Also consider:
Complete user documentation is available at https://docs.timescale.com/promscale/latest/
If you have any questions, please join the #promscale channel on TimescaleDB Slack.
This repository contains the source code of the Promscale Connector. Promscale also requires that the Promscale extension which lives in this repository is installed in the TimescaleDB/PostgreSQL database. The extension sets up and manages the database schemas and provides performance and SQL query experience improvements.
This repository also contains the source code for prom-migrator. Prom-migrator is an open-source, community-driven and free-to-use, universal prometheus data migration tool, that migrates data from one storage system to another, leveraging Prometheus's remote storage endpoints. For more information about prom-migrator, visit prom-migrator's README.
You may also want to check tobs which makes it very easy to deploy a complete observability stack built on Prometheus, OpenTelemetry and Promscale in Kubernetes via helm.
We welcome contributions to the Promscale Connector, which is licensed and released under the open-source Apache License, Version 2. The same Contributor's Agreement applies as in TimescaleDB; please sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA) if you're a new contributor.
Release checklist is available when creating new "Release Checklist" issue.