timkendall / schedules

Beautiful education planner for students and universities.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link


Schedules is the open source education planner platform for universities and students. It aims to allow students to take control over their education instead of wondering what class they can, should, or need to take. It functions as:

Discuss the project and get help at discuss.schedulesapp.com. Head over to our wiki for information on contributing. For more information on the goals and philosophy of this project visit schedulesapp.com


Required tools

$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g gulp
$ sudo gem install sass

Getting started

To build and run the app locally run the following commands:

  1. Install development dependencies with npm install
  2. Install app dependencies with bower install
  3. Run with gulp watch

You can then view the app at http://localhost:9000/


  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create a new branch with either a feat/ or fix/ prefix
  3. Commit and push changes to your repo
  4. Create a new Pull Request

We will accept pulls that:


Timothy Kendall, Ian Jackson, James Steininger, Ross Clare


The AGPL v3 License