timo-b-roettger / Research-NORRN

This repository is used to manage the research module for the Norwegian Reproducibility Network
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Welcome! This repository is used to manage the research module for the Norwegian Reproducibility Network.

Are you a collaborator? Then you are most likely looking for one of the task management boards.

There are currently three boards:

How to use the task management boards:

To keep track of major objectives and key results of the module, check the Objectives & Key Results which is managed by the module coordinator and will be defined for time periods of three months at the beginning of each quarter. Key results are defined as concrete achievements that can be quantified or simply answered by "yes, achieved" or "no, not achieved". Whether we reached key results is assessed at the end of each quarter alongside a discussion on possible hurdles that stood in the way of achieving said key results.

Individual projects within the module are managed in their own task management boards. To manage projects in the task management boards, go to the respective board (e.g. Norway Open Research Survey). You will see three columns, organized according to Kanban principles: "todo", "in progress" and "done". Here we keep track of tasks, questions, discussion points, etc. alongside their status. You can create a card by "add item" on the bottom of the column. You can quickly draft an item title there which adds the element to the respective column as a draft. Eventually, these items should be stored as so-called "GitHub issues", so you want to click on the item and then click on "Convert to issue" on the right hand side. When converted to an "issue", you can assign members and add a label to it. Assigning a member helps us keep track of who does what. Labels are an easy way to categorize issues according to what action is needed. For now I have defined three labels, but that might change as we evolve together.