timothycrosley / jiphy

Your client side done in a jiphy. Python to JavaScript 2-way converter.
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Write your client side code in a Jiphy! Jiphy is a two-way Python->JavaScript converter. It's not meant to create executable Python code from complex JavaScript files, or runnable JavaScript from complex Python projects. Instead, Jiphy enables Python programmers to more easily write JavaScript code by allowing them to use more familiar syntax, and even JavaScript developers to more easily write Python code.

As a Python developer you can convert existing code in someone else's project from JavasScript into Python, edit it, and then convert it back before submitting.

Jiphy's Design Objectives:


import underscore as _

def my_function(argument1, argument2):
    if argument1:
        del argument2
    elif argument2:

    if somevar is someothervar And x is not b: pass


var _ = require('_');

function my_function(argument1, argument2) {
    if (argument1) {
        delete argument2;
    } else if (argument2) {
    if (somevar === someothervar && x !== b) {}

in a jiphy.

Why jiphy?

jiphy (pronounced: jiffy) simply stands for JavaScript In, Python Out.

Jiphy is very different from other attempts at Python -> JavaScript conversion for the following reasons:

Jiphy only supports syntax, but with ES6 around the corner should one day support Classes, default arguments, etc.

Important things to know when writing Python for conversion to JavaScript

For instance:

if something is True:


Is valid as the if statement has a new line after it. However:

if something is True:

is NOT valid in Jiphy. The lack of a new line makes it impossible to do a 1:1 conversion and still be nicely formatted JS code.

For now, you still have to write var in front of new variables in Jiphy. Jiphy simply does not yet have the smarts to know when it is and when it is not required.

Syntax / Contstructs Jiphy Suppports

Python JavaScript Supported To JavaScript Supported To Python
def (...): function(...) {}
if ...: if (...) {}
while ...: while (...) {}
elif ...: } else if (...) {
else: } else {
pass {}
print(...) console.log(...)
True true
False false
None null
Or ||
And &&
Unset undefined
not !
is ===
del delete
\n ;\n
# comment // comment
str(...) String(...)
bool(...) Boolean(...)
int(...) Number(...)
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() debugger;
try: try {
except catch
except Exception as e catch(e)
.append(...) .push(...)
raise 'error' throw 'error';
import x var x = require(x)
import x as _ var _ = require(x)
"String" 'String'
"""String""" 'Str' + 'ing'
@decorator f = decorator(f)

Installing jiphy

Installing jiphy is as simple as:

pip install jiphy

or if you prefer

easy_install jiphy

Using jiphy

from the command line:

jiphy mypythonfile.py mypythonfile2.py

or to conform all code to the specified file format

jiphy mypythonfile.js mypythonfile2.js --conform

or recursively:

jiphy -rc .

which is equivalent to

jiphy **/*.py

or recursively conform:

jiphy -rc --conform .

or to see the proposed changes without applying them

jiphy mypythonfile.py --diff

from within Python:

import jiphy


Thanks and I hope you find jiphy useful!

~Timothy Crosley