timrogers / litra-autotoggle

Automatically turn your Logitech Litra device on when your webcam turns on, and off when your webcam turns off (macOS and Linux only)
MIT License
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💡 Automatically turn your Logitech Litra device on when your webcam turns on, and off when your webcam turns off (macOS and Linux only)

Supported devices

The following Logitech Litra devices, connected via USB, are supported:


macOS or Linux via Homebrew

  1. Install the latest version of litra-autotoggle by running brew tap timrogers/tap && brew install litra-autotoggle.
  2. Run litra-autotoggle --help to check that everything is working.

macOS or Linux via Cargo, Rust's package manager

  1. Install Rust on your machine, if it isn't already installed.
  2. Install the litra-autotoggle crate by running cargo install litra-autotoggle.
  3. Run litra-autotoggle --help to check that everything is working and see the available commands.

macOS or Linux via direct binary download

  1. Download the latest release for your platform. macOS and Linux devices are supported.
  2. Add the binary to $PATH, so you can execute it from your shell. For the best experience, call it litra-autotoggle.
  3. Run litra-autotoggle --help to check that everything is working.


In the background, using Homebrew Services (Homebrew installations only)

Run brew services start timrogers/tap/litra-autotoggle.

litra-autotoggle will run in the background, and your Litra will turn on when your webcam turns on, and off when your webcam turns off. If no Litra device is connected, the listener will keep on running, but will do nothing.

[!NOTE] When starting the service for the first time on a macOS device, you will receive a notification warning you about software running in the background.

macOS warning

From the command line

Just run litra-autotoggle. Your Litra will turn on when your webcam turns on, and off when your webcam turns off.

The following arguments are supported:

Configuring udev permissions (Linux only)

On most Linux operating systems, you will need to manually configure permissions using udev to allow non-root users to access and manage Litra devices.

To allow all users that are part of the video group to access the Litra devices, copy the 99-litra.rules file into /etc/udev/rules.d.

Next, reboot your computer or run the following commands as root:

# udevadm control --reload-rules
# udevadm trigger