timwis / leaflet-choropleth

Choropleth plugin for Leaflet (color scale based on value)
MIT License
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Leaflet Choropleth Build Status js-standard-style


Choropleth plugin for Leaflet (color scale based on value) - Demo


This plugin extends L.geoJson, giving each feature a style.fillColor that corresponds to a specified value in its properties object. For information on how to use L.geoJson, see the Leaflet tutorial and documentation.

While Leaflet provides a choropleth tutorial, that approach requires you to specify exact breakpoints and colors. This plugin uses chroma.js to abstract that for you. Just tell it which property in the GeoJSON to use and some idea of the color scale you want.


L.choropleth(geojsonData, {
    valueProperty: 'incidents', // which property in the features to use
    scale: ['white', 'red'], // chroma.js scale - include as many as you like
    steps: 5, // number of breaks or steps in range
    mode: 'q', // q for quantile, e for equidistant, k for k-means
    style: {
        color: '#fff', // border color
        weight: 2,
        fillOpacity: 0.8
    onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {



Include dist/choropleth.js from this repository on your page after Leaflet:

<script src="https://github.com/timwis/leaflet-choropleth/raw/gh-pages/path/to/leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="https://github.com/timwis/leaflet-choropleth/raw/gh-pages/path/to/choropleth.js"></script>

Or, if using via CommonJS (Browserify, Webpack, etc.):

var L = require('leaflet')



This project uses webpack to build the JavaScript and standard for code style linting.