Build process for SNAC website.
Check this out, in, say, your home directory:
hg clone
. ~/eac-graph-load/setenv.bash
cd ~/eac-graph-load
export EAC_DIR=/data/production/data # merge EAC output
export EAC_RAW_DIR=/data/production/data-extract # merge EAC input
Study make.bash
to see how SNAC is built. It runs other bash scripts
which check out all code, build all indexes, and configure the tomcat
Must source setenv.bash to setup monit alias.
./monit # run with no arguments to start monit daemon
./monit start tomcat_xtf
./monit start tomcat_tinkerpop
./monit start tomcat_rdf
see monit manual for more information on use of monit.
Include servers/httpd.conf
into your main httpd.conf to set up rewrite
for code: (e.g. pull_gremlin.bash, load/load_ead.grm, load/load_graphml.grm) BSD, see LICENSE-CODE.txt
for the graph as a Database qua Database: see the LICENSE-DATA.txt that is distrubuted with the graphML file probably one of these