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Support kubernetes secret for providing user-data to cloud-init #31

Open umangachapagain opened 9 months ago

umangachapagain commented 9 months ago


When using Hegel, currently, if we want to provide user-data to cloud-init, we need to pass it via Hardware spec. For example:

apiVersion: tinkerbell.org/v1alpha1
kind: Hardware
  name: hw1
  namespace: tink-system
  userData: |
    user: <USERNAME>
    password: <PLAINTEXT_PASSWORD>
    chpasswd: {expire: False}
    ssh_pwauth: True

Hegel then serves the user-data on HEGEL_IP:HEGEL_PORT/2009-04-04/user-data and meta-data on HEGEL_IP:HEGEL_PORT/2009-04-04/meta-data/

cloud-init can read these user-data and meta-data when datasource is configured correctly.

This behavior works ok as long as user-data does not contain any sensitive information. However, it could still cause formatting issues with user-data.


If user-data contains sensitive data like passwords, license keys etc it might not be desirable to put these in Hardware spec in plaintext format which can be read by anyone with read access to Hardware CR.

To help with this, we could move the user-data to a kubernetes secret object and reference that object in Hardware spec. This secret object reference can be used by Hegel to pull user-data. New spec example:

apiVersion: tinkerbell.org/v1alpha1
kind: Hardware
  name: hw1
  namespace: tink-system
     name: <SECRET_NAME>
     namespace: <SECRET_NAMESPACE>

This approach has a few benefits,

displague commented 9 months ago

This brings https://github.com/crossplane-contrib/provider-cloudinit/issues/8 to mind.

I don't know that Hardware should be concerned with CloudInit directly, but a CloudInit controller could piece together secrets, configmaps, and plain text blobs into a secret that userdata could consume.

This is just food for thought.

In the "New spec example" snippet, userDataRef should be userDataSecretRef. The namespace would be omitted as it should need to match the Hardware resource.