tinkerbell / roadmap

Official Tinkerbell Roadmap
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 3 forks source link



The official Tinkerbell roadmap that provides visibility into high level themes of work and features.

Anyone can raise a roadmap item for consideration. Raise an issue against this repository and it will be considered by project maintainers. Ensure you include sufficient detail making minmal assumptions about the readers knowledge. After some discussion you may be asked to provide a design; maintainers will guide you as needed.

When the issue is processed it will appear in the roadmap project.

What is appropriate for the roadmap?

The roadmap exists for tracking and visibility purposes. Our process is designed to be light weight without sacraficing necessary detail to gain an high level understanding of project work.

Items appropriate for the roadmap include anything that presents a significant change - often but not always across multiple Tinkerbell repositories - or that the community really ought to be aware of when gaining a snapshot understanding of in-flight work. There are no hard rules
about roadmap item size so if in doubt raise the issue and we can determine how best to track the work item later.