tinkerbox / message_quickly

Integrate Facebook's messenger platform with your rails app
MIT License
22 stars 4 forks source link

Code Climate Test Coverage Circle CI


By Tinkerbox Studios.

This gem is a lightweight solution to integrate Facebook's Messenger Platform into your rails app, allowing you to create bots to facilitate conversations with people on Facebook Messenger. It includes a mountable rails engine to handle webhooks, and a simple client to talk to the Send API.

We also have an accompanying demo app.


Add this to your Gemfile, and then bundle install:

gem 'message_quickly'

Generate the page access token on the developer portal, which will allow you to start using the APIs:

Generate Page Access Token

With the token, make sure to run this:

curl -ik -X POST "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/subscribed_apps?access_token=<page access token>"

Create the following environment variables:

FACEBOOK_APP_ID=<facebook app id goes here>
FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID=<your facebook page id>

FACEBOOK_MESSENGER_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN=<generate this on the developer portal>

You will need to run your app, and make it accessible to the developer portal now, so run your server:

rails server

Use something like Burrow to provide access to your localhost:

Create Tunnel on Burrow

Go to your Facebook App page in the developer portal, and use the above verification token like so:

New Page Subscription

Facebook will then verify with the mounted engine, and you're all set.


Messenger Platform is designed to handle webhooks in background jobs on ActiveJob, so you should set up a queuing backend (e.g. Sidekiq) and configure ActiveJob to use it.

Your app is required to be served over HTTPS. When working locally, I used the default WEBrick server as it supports HTTPS connections out of the box.


There are two parts to this gem: handling webhooks (which is what the rails engine is for), and calling the Send API.

Additionally, there are some helpers for working with messenger plugins.


Webhooks allow the Facebook Messenger Platform to talk to your app. For example, you will receive a request on your webhook when a user authenticates or messages your Facebook page/app.

Mount the engine in your routes.rb (/webhook is used in the examples):

mount MessageQuickly::Engine, at: "/webhook"

Generate the callback files:

rails generate message_quickly:callbacks

When you run rails generate callbacks, four files will be created for you. They look something like this:

class AuthenticationCallback < MessageQuickly::Callback

  def callback_name

  def run(event, json)
    # for e.g.
    # puts event.text


All you need to do is make sure your app is available publicly, and to fill up the run method. All the four callbacks defined in the platform are supported this way:

Webhook Name Callback Class Description
messaging_optins AuthenticationCallback Subscribes to authentication callbacks via the Send-to-Messenger Plugin
messages MessageReceivedCallback Subscribes to message-received callbacks
message_deliveries MessageDeliveredCallback Subscribes to message-delivered callbacks
message_reads MessageReadCallback Subscribes to message read callbacks
messaging_postbacks PostbackCallback Subscribes to postback callbacks
account_linking AccountLinkingCallback Subscribes to account linking callbacks

Send API

By default, the API client will be created for you, and is accessible at:


This makes use of the environment variables FACEBOOK_MESSENGER_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN and FACEBOOK_MESSENGER_PAGE_ID.

If you would like to use different sets of credentials in the app, you can create your own clients like so:

send_api_client = MessageQuickly::Api::Client.new do |client|
  client.page_access_token = '<page access token goes here>'
  client.page_id = '<page id goes here>'

MessageQuickly::Api::UserProfile.new(send_api_client).find('<fb page specific user id here>')

Looking up a user's profile

Do note that we are using the default client, which is loaded automatically by default.

MessageQuickly::Api::UserProfile.find('<fb page specific user id here>')

Creating a recipient object

You can create a recipient with either an id, or a phone_number. If both are provided, messages will be sent via the id.

recipient = MessageQuickly::Messaging::Recipient.new(id: '123')
recipient = MessageQuickly::Messaging::Recipient.new(id: '123', phone_number: '+1(212)555-2368')

Sending a simple text message

delivery = MessageQuickly::Api::Messages.create(recipient) do |message|
  message.text = 'Hello'

Sending image attachments

Image attachments

You can either send an image attachment as a URL:

delivery = MessageQuickly::Api::Messages.create(recipient) do |message|
  message.build_attachment(:image) { |attachment| attachment.url = 'http://placehold.it/350x150' }

Or you can send it as a file:

delivery = MessageQuickly::Api::Messages.create(recipient) do |message|
  message.build_attachment(:image) do |attachment|
    attachment.file = "spec/fixtures/12057251_909506139117248_2059695706_n.png"
    attachment.file_type = 'image/png'

Sending a generic template attachment

Generic template attachment

delivery = MessageQuickly::Api::Messages.create(recipient) do |message|
  message.build_attachment(:generic_template) do |template|

    template.build_element do |element|

      element.title = "Classic White T-Shirt"
      element.image_url = 'http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/img/item100-thumb.png'
      element.subtitle = 'Soft white cotton t-shirt is back in style'

      element.build_button(:web_url) do |button|
        button.url = "https://petersapparel.parseapp.com/view_item?item_id=100"
        button.title = "View Item"

      element.build_button(:web_url) do |button|
        button.url = "https://petersapparel.parseapp.com/buy_item?item_id=100"
        button.title = "Buy Item"

      element.build_button(:postback) do |button|
        button.payload = "USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_ITEM100"
        button.title = "Bookmark Item"


    template.build_element do |element|

      element.title = "Classic Grey T-Shirt"
      element.image_url = 'http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/img/item101-thumb.png'
      element.subtitle = 'Soft gray cotton t-shirt is back in style'

      element.build_button(:web_url) do |button|
        button.url = "https://petersapparel.parseapp.com/view_item?item_id=101"
        button.title = "View Item"

      element.build_button(:web_url) do |button|
        button.url = "https://petersapparel.parseapp.com/buy_item?item_id=101"
        button.title = "Buy Item"

      element.build_button(:postback) do |button|
        button.payload = "USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_ITEM101"
        button.title = "Bookmark Item"



Sending a button template attachment

delivery = MessageQuickly::Api::Messages.create(recipient) do |message|
  message.build_attachment(:button_template) do |template|

    template.text = 'How are you doing today?'

    template.build_button(:web_url) do |button|
      button.url = 'https://petersapparel.parseapp.com'
      button.title = 'Show Website'

    template.build_button(:postback) do |button|
      button.payload = 'USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD'
      button.title = 'Start Chatting'


Sending an account linking button

delivery = MessageQuickly::Api::Messages.create(recipient) do |message|

  message.build_attachment(:button_template) do |template|

    template.text = 'Please log in'

    template.build_button(:account_link) do |button|
      button.url = 'https://www.example.com/oauth/authorize'


Sending a receipt template attachment

Receipt template attachment

delivery = MessageQuickly::Api::Messages.create(recipient) do |message|
  message.build_attachment(:receipt_template) do |template|

    template.recipient_name = 'Stephane Crozatier'
    template.order_number = (0...50).map { ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join
    template.currency = 'USD'
    template.payment_method = 'Visa 2345'
    template.order_url = 'http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/order?order_id=123456'
    template.timestamp = '1428444852'

    template.build_element do |element|
      element.title = 'Classic White T-Shirt'
      element.subtitle = '100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton'
      element.quantity = 2
      element.price = 50
      element.currency = 'USD'
      element.image_url = 'http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/img/whiteshirt.png'

    template.build_element do |element|
      element.title = 'Classic Gray T-Shirt'
      element.subtitle = '100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton'
      element.quantity = 1
      element.price = 25
      element.currency = 'USD'
      element.image_url = 'http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/img/grayshirt.png'

    template.build_address do |address|
      address.street_1 = "1 Hacker Way"
      address.street_2 = ""
      address.city = "Menlo Park"
      address.postal_code = "94025"
      address.state = "CA"
      address.country = "US"

    template.build_summary do |summary|
      summary.subtotal = 75.00
      summary.shipping_cost = 4.95
      summary.total_tax = 6.19
      summary.total_cost = 56.14

    template.build_adjustment do |adjustment|
      adjustment.name = "New Customer Discount"
      adjustment.amount = 20

    template.build_adjustment do |adjustment|
      adjustment.name = "$10 Off Coupon"
      adjustment.amount = 10


Sending quick replies

delivery = MessageQuickly::Api::Messages.create(recipient) do |message|

  message.text = "Pick a color:"

  message.build_quick_reply do |quick_reply|
    quick_reply.title = 'Green'

  message.build_quick_reply do |quick_reply|
    quick_reply.title = 'Red'



This is optional, and only necessary if you want to add the 'Send to Messenger' or 'Message Us' buttons to your app, shown here:

Messenger plugins

Firstly, add the javascript require to your manifest file:

//= require message_quickly

Then, in your view templates (presumably slim), add:

= send_to_messenger
= message_us

You can also customize them as such:

= send_to_messenger(size: 'large')
= message_us(size: 'xlarge', color: 'white')

For size, supported values include standard, large and xlarge, while color supports blue and white only.

Development & Contributing

Set up your .env file like so:

FACEBOOK_MESSENGER_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN=<generate this on the developer portal>
FACEBOOK_MESSENGER_PAGE_ID=<your facebook page id>
FACEBOOK_MESSENGER_USER_ID=<your own facebook profile id>
FACEBOOK_MESSENGER_USER_FIRST_NAME=<your own facebook profile's first name>
FACEBOOK_MESSENGER_USER_LAST_NAME=<your own facebook profile's last name>
FACEBOOK_APP_ID=<your facebook app id>

You will need your own Facebook profile id if you are to run the specs. Run them now with:


Things on the roadmap include:


This gem was created by Jaryl Sim. See MIT-LICENSE for details.